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  2. The Old Flagstaff.

    In to-day's "Guardian" will be found full particulars and prices of seamen's shirts and underclothing. They are samples just opened, and ...

    Article : 32 words
  3. The Next Sale.

    Owing to next sale day falling on the 20th. (referendum day) Crossing and Cox's sales at their yards will take place on the next day - ...

    Article : 40 words
  4. Auction Sale.

    Mr. R. S. Gunnell will hold an auction sale of furniture, &c., at his rooms in Perry-street, at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning. ...

    Article : 26 words
  5. War! War!

    War sometimes brings misery, but the sort of war Mr. J. C. Gunnell is waging against high-priced meat should bring joy to the ...

    Article : 34 words
  6. "Snow, Beautiful Snow!"

    On Tuesday morning snow was to be seen in large quantities on the mountains around Mudgee. Out at the Green Hills, where snow has ...

    Article : 61 words
  7. Improvements to the Post Office Hotel

    Mr. John Kurtz invites tenders for alterations and additions to the Post Office Hotel. Plans and specifications may be seen at the ...

    Article : 37 words
  8. A Trip to Melbourne

    Another cheap train will leave Mudgee for Melbourne on Wednesday, 21st June, the second-class fare being 40s; return, and will be ...

    Article : 36 words
  9. Soon to Remove.

    After the excitement of the referendum, Messrs. Crossing and Cox, and Mr. C. D. Moires will move into, the splendid new offices ...

    Article : 30 words
  10. Church Suspension.

    From the "Rylstone Express" we learn that there is trouble in the Wesleyan Church, which has led to the suspension from the ...

    Article : 67 words
  11. Real Winter Goods.

    Rylstone's "price reducer," Mr. E. H. Nash, has again landed another large consignment of new winter goods, which he has marked ...

    Article : 65 words
  12. Who Can Vote

    We want it to be clearly understood that on Tuesday next anyone can vote who has an elector's right. It does not matter in the ...

    Article : 62 words
  13. Tongay Station.

    The progressive policy of improvement pursued by Mr. Griffits, manager of Tongay station, is evidently to be carried still further, ...

    Article : 38 words
  14. Wheat Wanted.

    Manager T. Upton says that the price of wheat is not down, and that they are prepared to buy any quantity at 2s 6d per bushel at ...

    Article : 32 words
  15. Pedestrianism at Wellington.

    On Saturday a foot race between E. M, Robards and F. Brummel, the Wellington peds., was run off opposite Mr. C. Fletcher's hotel. ...

    Article : 64 words
  16. Declares for Union,

    Mr. R. J. Black, formerly member for Mudgee, is among the ranks of those who last year were against the Convention Bill, but ...

    Article : 36 words
  17. Gulgong Art Union.

    The Gulgong Art Union in connection with the Roman Catholic Church will be drawn positively on the 29th instant. Tickets should ...

    Article : 71 words
  18. Mr Arthur Hunter.

    Mr. Arthur Hunter, the wellknown operatic singer, who is a great favorite in Mudgee, is singing at the popular concerts in the ...

    Article : 41 words
  19. Palmistry.

    Professor St. Clair, the well known palmist, who is at present in the Mudgee district has many interesting impressions of the hands ...

    Article : 91 words
  20. The Lett Case.

    It will be remembered that the conviction of the cattle stealers Lett and Jones was largely due to the action of Mr. E. Rolls, the ...

    Article : 55 words
  21. A Crushed Hand.

    One day last week the little daughter of Mr. E. Keech, of Rylstone, got her hand terribly crushed the cog wheels of a winnowing ...

    Article : 39 words
  22. Returned Home.

    After a few weeks' holiday in Sydney, Mr. W. Thompson, or the "Times Bakery, &c, returned to Gulgong on Wednesday morning, ...

    Article : 67 words
  23. A Gulgong Mutter.

    Mr. Brown of the Gulgong Post Office feels aggrieved at some comments which our Gulgong correspondent made about the Gulgong ...

    Article : 93 words
  24. Changing Quarters.

    In a few days Mr. E. Daly will be removing to Millett's Club House Hotel, and Mr. W. W. Millott will [?]ake possession of the Post Office ...

    Article : 45 words
  25. Prices Down at the Commercial

    We command our readers to peruse in to-day's "Guardian" Mr. J. Loneragan's (Commercial Warehouse) advt. of groceries, tobacco, ...

    Article : 55 words
  26. Cudgegong Council Troubles.

    At the Cudgegong Council on Tuesday Alderman Bishop moved the adjournment to protest against certain remarks he alleged ...

    Article : 117 words
  27. The Salvation Army.

    The Salvation Army's general social work is now taking up a great deal of attention. Next week there are to be special meetings ...

    Article : 88 words
  28. In the Machinery Line.

    Messrs. T. H. Marks & Co., the Market-street merchants, have just handed some big lines in agricultural implements of all kinds. They ...

    Article : 53 words
  29. The "Daily Telegraph."

    Speaking in Mudgee on Wednesday, Mr. J. D. Fitzgerald described the "Daily Telegraph " as the most unscrupulous journal in the colony. ...

    Article : 148 words
  30. Publication Received.

    From the Bulletin Publishing Company we are in receipt of a book of rhymes by W. T. Goodge. The collection is well named "Hits ...

    Article : 109 words
  31. Good Wine

    Messrs. Hocking and Co. the fell known. Sydney firm of wine merchants, send us, through their representative, our old friend Jim ...

    Article : 59 words
  32. Cooler at Coolah.

    It is of course cooler at Coolah at this time of year than in the summer, but the traveller will always meet with a warm and hearty ...

    Article : 70 words
  33. Those Bag Leather Saddles.

    When the protest lodged by Mr. C. H. Tomkins re the award for bag leather saddles was being heard by the committee of the ...

    Article : 266 words
  34. Cheap Train.

    In connection with the Annual Sheep Show and Sales, and to provide facilities for country residents visiting the metropolis, a cheap ...

    Article : 107 words
  35. A Nice Quiet Horse.

    The Rev. R. H. Lewin, Wes[?]eyan minister, the other day Knight a nice quiet horse from one of his parishioners. The reverend ...

    Article : 69 words
  36. The Victoria Home for Consumptives.

    Mrs. Harvey Nickoll is in receipt of a letter asking her whether there is a probability of Mudgee and the district contributing a stall ...

    Article : 119 words
  37. Advertising

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    Advertising : 193 words
  38. Advertising

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    Advertising : 97 words
  39. Advertising

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    Advertising : 86 words
  40. Advertising

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    Advertising : 22 words



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