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Detailed lists, results, guides : 295 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 57 wordsKITCHEN GARDEN: Sow beet, carrot, turnip, spinach, peas of different kinds, parsnips, French beans, broccoli, cabbage, Scotch kale, s[?]a kale, Brussels aprouts, broad beans, leeks, onions, celery, radish, cucumber, melons, &c. Radish and ...
Article : 205 wordsSIR,—In taking up my pen to make a few remarks on your footnote to my letter in Tuesday's Mercury, I know I am completely at your mercy as far as publishing my letters and having the last ...
Article : 215 wordsAn inquiry has been conducted by a Herald reporter respecting the coming wool clip, from the report of which we take the following particulars: The effects of the drought of 1888 were most ...
Article : 259 wordsTHERE needs no ghost from the grave to tell us that a general election ia among the events of the immediate future. The probability is that, when it comes, the freetrade party will ...
Article : 1,210 wordsMr. H. H. Brown, M.L.A. for Durham, has received the following correspondence from the Telegraph and Works Departments having reference to various requirements for his electorate. Out ...
Article : 340 wordsOn Tuesday, the Legislative Council held a long sitting, and bestowed further consideration upon clause 43 of the Land Bill—"Extension of pastoral and homestead leases"—the form of which met ...
Article : 1,523 wordsThe Freetrade Conference, held in Sydney during the present week, was inaugurated on Monday night by a public meeting at the Protestant Hall. The proceedings, which were largely ...
Article : 1,211 wordsSIR,—Did you ever find time to visit the Maitland Park when our gallant defenders yclept the Maitland Light Horse put in an appeatance, and rushed round ia a weirdly frenzied manner which ...
Article : 856 wordsThe following messages have appeared in the Herald:- London, Aug. 27. The strike is paralysing business. The public ...
Article : 297 wordsThe steamer Tenterden, which arrived in Sydney on Sunday from the New Hebrides, brings news of the death of the captain and three of the crew of the George Noble, a well known vessel trading from ...
Article : 592 wordsTranslating from Le Colon of recent dates brought by the steamer Tanais on Saturday, we (Herald) have the following items of current Noumean intelligence: ...
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