"Afflictions, by God's grace, set our. graces going." "Be kind-life's happiness is short, Have sympathy—days of sorrow seem ...
Article : 826 wordsFor our thought:— "A commonplace life," we say, and we sigh; But why should we sigh as we say? The commonplace sun in the commonplace sky ...
Article : 786 wordsPerhaps there has never been a time, of late years, at any rate, when embroidery has played such an important part as regards dress. Dame Fashion is seldom ...
Article : 133 wordsMany insurance policies were taken against rain falling on June 22 and 23. The premium of 20 guineas per cent. was paid to insure against one-fifth of an ...
Article : 127 wordsThe mandolin has again come into popularity across the Atlantic. For years the instrument suffered in the United States from the natural relaxation ...
Article : 105 wordsThe Bishop of Manchester, speaking at the meeting of the Scuthwark Diocesan and South London Church Fund, said:— "My little experience of life is this—that ...
Article : 100 wordsCarefulness in speech is as necessary to a girl as neatness in personal appearance. Good taste in the selection of words and phrases marks a well-educated ...
Article : 112 wordsA child should be drilled to be scrupulously polite to every person he comes in contact with, to the members of his family, to tlie employee in the kitchen or ...
Article : 13 wordsAlong the leatures of the Royal Photographic Society's exhibition in London are a number of secret cameras. One resembles a pair of field glasses. While the ...
Article : 66 wordsIt is becoming more or less rare to hear of an ideally happy marriage, and this state of things "gives one furiously to think," as they say in France. It may ...
Article : 169 wordsA loving cup was a great goblet with three handles, that used once to be passed round at a banquet, but is now more generally presented as a prize or ...
Article : 294 wordsThe French War Minister who was killed at Issy-les-Molineaux was a generous man. The story of his charities would fild a large volume. He gave away ...
Article : 132 wordsL. R. (Palmwoods).—(1) To make tire eyelids and eyelashes grow, I have heard recommended an application of viseline, but care must be taken to keep from the ...
Article : 184 wordsIt is very interesting to note the changes that slowly but surely come over our Society womanhood. The spirit of the age is towards freedom and ...
Article : 179 words"The modern maid at he age of 21," we are informed, "is physically fit and intellectually keen, but in no hurry for matrimony," It is perfectly true, no ...
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wed 16 Aug 1911, Page 14
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