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    THE EXTRA SHEETS OF THE "MERCURY."—The third sheet of this day's paper contains Advertisements; Poetry "A Countrywoman of mine;" Continuation of tale "Was he Murdered?"—"Hang ...

    Article : 1,966 words

    Sir—I wish to call the attention of the authorities that it is a common practice to throw broken glass bottles into the new outlet in Northumberland-street, which is dangerous to both man and ...

    Article : 87 words
  4. In Fiery Embrace.

    New York, September 10.—The tragic death of Mrs. Helen K. Hoyt, at 360, West Thirtieth-street, was reported to Coroner Levy yesterday. Mrs. Hoyt was the wife of Dr. W. D. Hoyt. They had ...

    Article : 700 words
  5. Weekly Calendar.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 59 words
  6. H. R. Farmers Association Sales.

    Sales of produce held at Newcastle this week by Mr. J. H. Brunker, for Messrs. Brunker and Wolfe, have been well attended. Consignments were numerous, and each line offered met with brisk ...

    Article : 349 words

    Flour, £8 15s to £10 15s; wheat, 4s 3d to 4s 4d; maize, 3s 9d to 4s. Cattle in good supply; prices down; best beef worth 25s. Sheep in large supply; prices lower; ...

    Article : 1,175 words

    KITCHEN GARDEN: Continue to sow for succession peas, beans, turnips, carrots, lettuce, par nips, radish, parsley, and all herbs, cauliflowers, broccoli, &c. If you wish to have a regular supply of the[?]e, some should be planted out every ten ...

    Article : 293 words
  9. Lochinvar Races.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 104 words

    If it be true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it is no less true that it may be a very genuine mode of expressing reverential regret. The late Hon. L. W. Levy was one of those worthy ...

    Article : 429 words
  11. American Protection.

    The following laconic and amusing account of the pleasures of living in free America are extracted from the Western Shoe and Leather Review:— "When the American citizen awakes in the ...

    Article : 554 words
  12. A Great Gun.

    Boston, Mass., October 17.—The third attempt was made at the South Boston Iron Works this morning to cast the great fifty-four ton bree[?]hloading rifle gun ordered by the Government, with ...

    Article : 970 words

    PRESENTATION.—On last Wednesday morning week, a few minutes previous to the opening of the school, a noticeable anxiety and watchfulness was apparent amongst the children in the play ground ...

    Article : 429 words
  14. The Railway Reserve at West Maitland.

    It has been made evident by the success which has attended the weekly produce sales in West Maitland that it has become a centre for the meeting of buyers and sellers. And, from that point of ...

    Article : 492 words
  15. Cat Parties.

    Cat parties are the latest entertainments. Recently a young girl, the happy possessor of a fine Maltese cat, invited a number of her friends to bring their pet cats to 5 o'clock tea, each cat to have ...

    Article : 273 words

    A great sensation was caused at Stockton on Thursday morning, by an exceedingly determined attempt at suicide by a young woman, whose effort, however, to end her days prematurely was ...

    Article : 327 words
  17. A Negro Blacksmith's Invention.

    Minnis Haden, a worthy coloured blacksmith of Montgomery (Va.) has lately invented the most ingenious and valuable device we have ever seen. Being a poor man and unable to employ a hand as ...

    Article : 295 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 205 words



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