{No abstract available}
Advertising : 237 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 132 wordsThe Acquisition of Property for Public Purposes Bill has been circulated. The measure provides power for the Governor-General to agree with owners of land ...
Article : 502 wordsSince we have Der Fliegende Hollander, of Wagner, in English, it is well that we should keep to the name of the Flying Dutchman. The opera is in many ...
Article : 1,362 wordsMrs. Penne[?]ather, who has been on a prolonged visit to her sister (Lady O'Loghlan), in Melbourne, has returned to Brisbane. The marriage of Dr. Herbert Chesson, Goodna, ...
Article : 797 wordsThe inclement state of the weather prevented any large supplies of heavy produce arriving to-day, but stocks held are ample to meet all present requirements, and there ...
Article : 134 wordsMrs. Woolcock gave one of her delightful "at homes" at Halwyn yesterday evening, and, as usual, the preparations for the recepticn of the guests were very complete. In the large entrance hall ...
Article : 421 wordsA special meeting of the Rosalie Divisional Board was held to-day, the principal business being the striking of a rate. Considerable discussion took place on the ...
Article : 232 wordsThe weather here is still very cold. On Friday last we had a very cold snap, with westerly winds. Coughs and colds are prevalent in the town in consequence. ...
Article : 446 wordsYesterday at the Police Court was quite a field day. The bench consisted of Mr. R. A. Ranking, P.M., and Messrs. E. H. Arundell and H. A. Ke[?]l, JJ.P. An assault case, P. English v. T. M. ...
Article : 1,036 wordsA man named James Jones, aged 25, was this morning engaged in working some logs on a selection at Calvert, when his right leg was badly crushed by a heavy piece ...
Article : 206 wordsOur Warwick correspondent writes on the 27th instant:—A ball, organised by the Friendly Societies in aid of the hospital came off in the Town Hall on Wednesday night last, and proved ...
Article : 296 wordsMessrs. Yeates Bros. report the sale of the Royal Hotel, Toowoomba, at a satisfactory price, the purchaser being Mr. T. Barratt. The Royal is one of the largest ...
Article : 42 wordsA special meeting of the Municipal Council was held yesterday to consider matters in connection with the management of the town common. A majority of the ...
Article : 247 wordsMr. Crick, Minister for Lands, addressed a meeting in the Protestant Hall to-night. Dealing with the proposed land policy of the See Government, he advocated closer ...
Article : 64 wordsThe following justices are required to attend the Police Court on Monday and Tuesday in next week:—Messrs. J. Farrelly, F. C. Lee, Jacob Bora, and F. W. M'Gill. ...
Article : 32 wordsLast night Dr. C. S. Mead, who for some years has been engaged in medical missionary work in India as the (representative of South Australia, gave a most ...
Article : 162 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 481 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 87 wordsThe inquest on the body of a Chinaman which was found near West Wyalong, disclosed that the skull had been completely smashed in, apparently by a tomahawk, ...
Article : 54 wordsThe steamer Taviuni, which arrived from the South Sea Islands to-day, brought the news that the barque John Gambles, of Liverpool, bound from Peru to Auckland ...
Article : 133 wordsThere was a large and very appreciative audience last evening at His Majesty's Theatre to witness the performance of "The Flying Dutchman," Among the visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Barker ...
Article : 278 wordsLast night the members of the St. Paul's Young Men's Society had arranged to give a concert and gymnastic display in the schoolroom, but the wet weather sadly ...
Article : 89 wordsThe adjourned meeting of the Byrnes Memorial Committee was held yesterday afternoon, when further correspondence was read from Messrs. Andrews Bros., of ...
Article : 117 wordsSir,—With reference to the reports appearing in your valuable paper re my actions and assertions in connection with the Saturday half-holiday movement, I beg ...
Article : 317 wordsThe death is reported of Mr. William Salkeld, of Ipswich, ex-M.L.A. for Ipswich and Fassifern. The deceased gentleman was out for a drive this morning, but ...
Article : 59 wordsThe man Alexander M'Lean, who has been arrested on a charge of having murdered the Martin family, has stated that he committed the crime owing to the receipt ...
Article : 86 wordsThe mission steamer Southern Cross, which has arrived from Norfolk Island, reports that at Guadalcanar Island, where the Rev. Percy Williams is stationed, a ...
Article : 52 wordsThe half-yearly meeting of the Western Star Lodge, G.U.O.O.F., was held last night, in their hall in Brisbane-street, when there was a good attendance, ...
Article : 242 wordsA very successful entertainment was given, yesterday evening in the Protestant Hall by the members of the Music and Dramatic Club of the Grammar School Old Girls' Association. The hall was ...
Article : 586 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 179 wordsAt the New South Wales Sheep-breeders' Association show to-day, the Hon. S. M'Caughey's ram. The Honourable, obtained the blue ribbon of the exhibition, being ...
Article : 62 wordsSYDNEY.—June 28.—Arrivals: Marion Fraser, from Hamburg; Leura, s., [?]rom Brisbane; Tyrian, s., from Melbourne; Parkdale, from Liverpool. Departures: ...
Article : 64 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 49 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 61 wordsThe West Australian Parliament was opened to-day. The Governor's Speech contained nothing of importance. No new works are to be undertaken, but a loan is ...
Article : 100 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Sat 29 Jun 1901, Page 6
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