In regard to the remodelling of clause 74 (the appeal clause) of the Commonwealth Bill, the proposal to allow appeals to the Privy Council by consent, has been inserted ...
Article : 307 wordsMajor-General French's cavalry force, which was yesterday reported to have crossed the Rhenoster River, has now reached Ihe town of Prospect, which is situated a few miles ...
Article : 122 wordsIt was Dr. Johnston. I think, who said in his finely grandiloquent way that only an idiot would broach the weather as a topic of conversation. The present scribe would ...
Article : 1,247 wordsreplying to a question in the House of Commons, yesterday. with regard to the separation petition from the West Australian goldfields, Mr. Chamberlain stated ...
Article : 83 wordsIn the House of Commons last night a proposal was urged by Sir E. A. Sassoon, Conservative member for Hythe, for the appointment of a Salcct Committee to inquire ...
Article : 95 wordsThe invalided Australian soldiers who returned by the steamer Moravian from South Africa were the guests of the Governor at dinner at Parliament Houseto-day. They ...
Article : 296 wordsIt is expected that the Capetown-Buluwayo railway line between Kimberley and Mafeking will be repaired and open for traffic in about a fortnight. ...
Article : 31 wordsThe British Commander in Natal reports that there is now a largr Boer commando on the Buffalo River, which forms the northeastern frontier of Natal. ...
Article : 39 wordsMiss Lalla Miranda, the Melbourne soprano, who, as was recently announced, has been engaged for the grand opera season at Covent Garden Theatre, made a successful ...
Article : 45 wordsThe Bank of England rate of discount, which has stood at 4 per cent since the 25th January last, was nto-day reduced to 3½ per cent. ...
Article : 40 wordsWith regard to the recent disaster to a detachment of British troops under Colonel Golf, who were caught in ambush near Vryheid, the Boeis report that of the ...
Article : 66 wordsThe following letter from Mr. E. R. Starkey, of B Company, Q.M.I., has been received by Mr. R. M. Cooper, of Petrie's Bight:— ...
Article : 1,782 wordsThe election of a member of the House of Commons, for the Isle of Wight, in place of Sir Richard E. Webster, late AttorneyGeneral (who has been appointed Master ...
Article : 101 wordsArrivals.—Nicolai d' Abundo, barque, from Brisbane; Persic, s., from Newcastle, via Sydney and other ports (at Liverpool); Trafalgar, ship, from Sydney; Loch Broom, ...
Article : 196 wordsThe "Times" correspondent at Delagoa Bay telegraphs the statement that President Kruger is now in favour of surrendering to Great Britain, as he alleges that a ...
Article : 75 wordsThe following is an extiact from a private letter received from a member of the First Queensland Contingent to South Africa:- A large proportionn of the Austi allan. ...
Article : 1,303 wordsReports are to hand that an Indian has died from bubonic plague at Durban, the principal port of Natal. ...
Article : 27 wordsGreat activity now prevails on the railway lines in the Transvaal, and it is stated that thirty trains are passing daily to and from Pietoria and Pietersburg (the terminus ...
Article : 51 wordsIt is stated that Russia is now making preparations for the defence of that portion of Manchuria which is adjacent to the frontier of Corea. ...
Article : 39 wordsSir William Lyne has oeen in communication with Mr. Barton, the delegate in London, on the subject of the Commonwealth Bill. The New South Wales ...
Article : 73 wordsColonel Albrecht, the German officer who has been responsible for so much of the Transvaal strategy, when taken prisoner, expressed himself at a luncheon party very ...
Article : 551 wordsNewss has been received that Sergeant Herbert Brent, a member of the.Victorian Eushnien's Contingent, has been killed in a railway accident at Winhurg. ...
Article : 38 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 39 wordsThe Colonial Club gave a dinner in the Hotel Cecil, London, last night. There was a large gathering present, including Sir R. G. W. Herbert, late Permanent Under ...
Article : 288 wordsAt about, 7 o'clock last night a landslip occuirod in the Ann-street cutting near the Convent, gates. Owing to the persistent rains, a large mass of earth and rock ...
Article : 228 wordsThe special representative of the London "Times" at Bloemfontein reports that he has examined the secret minutes of two conferences which took place in 1887 ...
Article : 74 wordsReports received from Boer sources state that General Lord Methuen's force is now at Greyling's Drift, on the Vaal River. ...
Article : 26 wordsNews from the United States, shows that the leading pro-Boer newspapers in America acquiesce in the pronouncement made by President M'Kinley after his unofficial ...
Article : 60 wordsNotwithstanding the reports received from either sources of the advance of the British troops in the Orange Free State, Lord. Roberts has remained silent as to his ...
Article : 56 wordsLatest reports from.the front in the Orange Free State are to the effect that the Boers are now in headlong flight to the northward. ...
Article : 37 wordsWhile the Boer forces are rapidly disintegrating, President Kruger, the "Times" correspondent at Delagoa Bay, reports, favours a surrender, alleging as the reason ...
Article : 635 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 472 wordsIt is reported that a force of 2000 Boers is now near Plcksburg, in the east of the Orange Free State, and they are advancing towards Clocolan. ...
Article : 33 wordsLater details which have been received of the attempted storming of Mafeking by the Boers on the 13th instant show that General Snyman's attack on the garrison, ...
Article : 78 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 74 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 299 wordsFurther news from Mafeking states that Major "Karri" Davies, of the Imperial Light Horse, accompanied by eight of his troopers, entered Mafeking eight hours ...
Article : 162 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 240 wordsFurther news from Mafeking states that when the relief of the place had been effected, Colonel Baden-Powell allowed his garrison to have the last parting shot at the ...
Article : 54 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 122 wordsThe war correspondent of the "Morning Post" pays a high compliment to the Queensland Bushmen who took part in the relief of Mafeking. He states that they ...
Article : 87 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Sat 26 May 1900, Page 9
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