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    From Hobart Town, on Thursday last, having sailed from thence the 20th ultimo, the ship John, Captain Dixon, with merchandize. Passengers, Miss Kinghorne, ...

    Article : 219 words

    MONDAY.—Before the Chief Justice and Assessors.—Thompson v Leburn.—This was an action of asstimpsit, brought to recover the sum of £44, being the rent of certain premises ...

    Article : 409 words
  4. Van Diemen's Land.

    There is no variation in the price of wheat since our last, the average prices quoted being from 8s. to 10s. per bushel, barley 7s. to 7s. 6d. per ditto, oats 5s. to ...

    Article : 107 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 215 words

    From the lateness of the hour at which we received the first intimation, the account we gave in our last number of the daring cutrage committed in the harbour on the ...

    Article : 694 words
  7. Sydney 'Mechanics' School of Arts.

    The Lecture at the Rooms of the above-named Institution, on Wednesday last, was delivered by Mr. M'Donald, one of the Committee of Management, "on the Strength of Materials," ...

    Article : 1,329 words

    GENTLEMEN—My husband being a subscriber, I hope you will print this letter for the information of ihe Government and the Public. We have been general dealers for a considerable time ...

    Article : 144 words

    Edward Whalan was put fo the bar, charged with striking. John Connor with a sword under the following circumstances:— William Shaw, a constable in the Sydney ...

    Article : 1,556 words
  10. DIARY.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 143 words
  11. The Sydney Herald.

    OUR readers are, no doubt, much amused with the weekly bulletin issued by the Matron of the Female Factory, purporting to show the number of Female ...

    Article : 1,312 words
  12. To the Editors of the Sydney Herald.

    GENTLEMEN,—As I am credibly informed that Mr. Tooth is speaking unkindly of me regarding the fine levied upon him, by order of the Supreme Court, for his non attendance as a Special Juror in ...

    Article : 404 words
  13. To the Editors of the Sydney Herald.

    GENTLEMEN—Having read in your paper of the 28th ultimo, a paragraph with reference to the Gas now burning on Mr. J. T. Wilson's Wharf, Sussexstreet, we deem it necessary to say that the Gas is ...

    Article : 244 words

    LIBEL.—The King v. Robison.—This was an indictment against the defendant for publishing a libel of and concerning Lieutenant-General Darling, Governor of New South Wales. The detendant, who ...

    Article : 2,854 words
  15. To the Editors of the Sydney Herald.

    GENTLEMEN—In your paper of Monday last, I noticed an article under the head of "Original Correspondence by a Settler." Allow me to inform you, the whole of that article is false from beginning to ...

    Article : 350 words
  16. Criginal Correspondence. CHEAP BREAD.

    GENTLEMEN—In the present crisis of scarcity of flour and maize, I beg leave to recommend to the notice of your readers, and of the community in general, the following extract from the 31st ...

    Article : 718 words



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