From Port Macquarie, on Monday last, having sailed on the 3d instant, the steam-packet William the Fourth, Captain Kind, with sundries. Passenger, Mr. Betts. ...
Article : 136 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 104 wordsHow is it thnt the Parramatta Government House has not yet been sold? It was long since ordered to be given up. Pray what does a Botany Bay Governor want with two establishments? ...
Article : 1,873 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 94 wordsSIR,—Were I to notice, with any regularity, the commendations of friends, the censure of enemies, or the indifference of those "immorial oysters," as one calls those who have no faith to maintain nor ...
Article : 1,146 wordsTHIS EVENING, January 12, 1837, the Evening's Entertainments will commence with the popular Comedy, called ROCHESTER; or. King Charles the Second's Merry Days. ...
Article : 68 wordsTwo men have lately been received into the Sydney Gaol, on a charge of aiding the escape from the gaol at Bathurst, of a mau named Redfern, committed for ...
Article : 435 wordsA Contemporary of Friday week, by order of the Government House coterie, revives the subject of the alleged killing of some aboriginal natives by the party under ...
Article : 1,028 wordsThe American vessels Tim, and Chalcedoney, that were here some months back, had arrived home, and changed owners. The Spartun, Captain Bull, has been laid on ...
Article : 136 wordsTwo boats were lost on Sunday night, near Middle Head, one of them was a lime-boat about four tons burden, laden with shells and navigated by the owner, whose name we have not learned, ...
Article : 182 wordsAn Inquest was held on Monday, at the "St. Andrew," Kent-street, before Mr. Coroner Hayward, on the body of a woman aged 50 years, named Mary Ann Green. It appeared from the ...
Article : 126 words"This will not do" exclaimed His Ex, "This bargain, Marsh, a Saint would vex— "You must not speculate so deep. "Slick, man, to Stock and Hay, and Sheep; ...
Article : 52 wordsBy the arrival of the St. Vincent from Ireland, we have received from the "North and South American Coffee House," and Walter Buchanan, Esq., London papers ...
Article : 1,233 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 37 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 951 wordsAccount Sales of 115 bales Tasmanian Wool, which were sold by Auction at the Public SaleRoom, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool, August l8, 1836:— ...
Article : 566 wordsA FARCE.—Yesterday, a man named M'Nally, who is under a sentence on the Treadmill, was brought up on the following charge:—Slack, one of the overseers at the House of Correction ...
Article : 355 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Thu 12 Jan 1837, Page 2
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