OCTOBER 5.—William the Fourth, steamer, 52 tons, Captain Wiseman, from the Clarence River on Wednesday last, with sundries, Passengers— Mr. Gray, and six in the steerage. ...
Article : 33 wordsOctober 6.—Terror, schooner, Captain Dunning for Auckland, with sundries. Pnssensengers—Mr. Willis, Mr. Falconer, Mr. Chalmers, Mr; Andrews, Mr. Ross, Mr. Taylor, ...
Article : 156 wordsOctober 4.—Ceylon, barque, Captain Beazley, for London, with colonial produce. Passengers —Dr. and Mrs. Scott, Mr. James Solomon, Mrs. Smith, M[?]. James Blown, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, ...
Article : 48 wordsOctobers.—Roubulla, 16, Stewart, from Kiama, with 7000 feet hardwood; Bard's Legacy, 21, Williamson, from Kiama, with 11,000 feet hardwood; Rose, steamer, 172, Pattison, from ...
Article : 42 wordsOctober 5.—Lark, IS, Ford, for Wollongong, in ballast; Adventure, 22, Law, for Broulee, with sundries; Pedlar, 18, Lesslic, for Wollongong; Bee, 12, Sugden, lot Kiama, with ...
Article : 88 wordsOctober 5.—Terror, schooner, Captain Dunning, for Auckland: 4 hogsheads brandy, 4 bundles leather, 5 tierces beef, 5 kegs tongues, 20 mats sugar, 2 chests tea, C. Abercrombie; ...
Article : 357 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 47 wordsTHE claim of Mr. PLUNKETT to the Chiefjusticeship was referred by the GOVERNOR to the Executive Council, and on Saturday the claim was disallowed, and ...
Article : 95 wordsMR. ROBINSON (member for Melbourne) opened the debute by proposing the resolutions which had been for some time past on the paper, in his name, which were as follow:— ...
Article : 28,558 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 7 Oct 1844, Page 2
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