THIS Society, which was established on the 4th October, 1848, and whose objects are the relief of their decayed brethren and their families, and the protection and maintenance ...
Article : 5,181 wordsWHEAT.—In this market there it no improvement in price, as the supply is in excess of the demand, From 3s. 10d. to 4s. 3d. have been paid this week for colonial and imported. ...
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Family Notices : 199 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 1,371 wordsSEVERAL country buyers have come forward and purchased rather freely, notwithstanding the high rate of carriage at present ruling, their stocks being almost exhausted; some little animation has been the result, ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 6 Oct 1849, Page 3
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