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Advertising : 1,951 wordsMan is a domestic animal. We are accustomed to the line, and we believe it. All the same, a fairly thoughtful writer qualifies it—"that is not naturally a ...
Article : 2,225 wordsThe convenience of travellers, partiealarly in relation to vehicular traffic on that portion of the highway between the tran[?] line and Jesmond ...
Article : 260 wordsThe cold and wet weather has caused much illness, and in several instances the effects have serious amoug both the old and the young. ...
Article : 124 wordsThe half-yearly meeting of the Hunter River District of this Order was held it the Trades Hull, Newcastle West. In the absence of the ...
Article : 620 wordsThis evening, Miss Lillian Raymond, supported by her Dramatic Company will make their first appearance in the Boolaroo Hall. When will he staged ...
Article : 78 wordsThe annual meeting of the local Mechanics' Institute was hold on Thursday night. Mr. L. H. Lewington, vicc-president, occupied the chair. ...
Article : 467 wordsThe monthly meeting of the Stockton Miners' Lodge was held on Friday night. Mr. J. Robson, chairman, presided, and there was a fair attendance. ...
Article : 458 wordsA scientist claims to have discovered the long-lost art of hardening and tempering pering copper which was in use in the ancient civilisations of both the now and ...
Article : 148 wordsThe action of the Wickham Council in refusing to co-operate with the Carrington Council in their opposition to the erection of an overhead bridge at ...
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Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), Mon 21 Jul 1902, Page 3
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