AT the dissolution of the municipal corporation, and the installation of a chief and two assistant Commissioners, for the direction and improvement of the principal public works of the City, a very large amount of labour [?]evolved upon the Commissioners, owing ...
Article : 895 wordsONE of the results of the late excessive fall of snow has been a collision between two trains on the Eastern Counties Railway, and which has been attended with the loss of four lives, and injuries to several of the ...
Article : 1,909 wordsA GOVERNMENT return has just been issued describing the results, so far as they have yet been ascertained, of the recent experiment for introducing Chinese immigrants to compete with Coolies and Africans as ...
Article : 980 wordsSIR,—in one of your last numbers you have admitted into your columns an article, written by a person who represents himself as having been a visitor from your neighbourhood to this town and colony, ...
Article : 1,472 wordsTHE pause created by the Easter holidays will, in part, account for the stillness of most commercial matters. It must, however, be accounted as a significant fact that, while operations are ...
Article : 4,051 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 850 wordsCOURT OF COMMON PLEAS, WESTMINSTER, Nov. 24.— Sittings in Banco, Michaelmas Term: before Justices Maule, Williams, and Talfourd.—HAZLITT v. VIZETELLY. ...
Article : 913 wordsLICENSING MEETING.—The annual meeting of Justices for the purpose of granting publicans' licenses for the year commencing 1st of July next, took place on Tuesday last, the 18th instant, at the Court House, ...
Article : 576 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 21 Apr 1854, Page 5
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