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Advertising : 3,412 wordsA MEETING of the parishioners of St. John's and other friends of the late Rev. H. H. Bobart, M.A., was held in the vestry of St. John's Church, on Friday last, at twelve o'clock, for the purpose of taking into ...
Article : 2,034 wordsTHE LATE FIRE AT RICHMOND.—This disastrous affair broke out on the night of Tuesday last, about eleven o'clock, on the premises of Mr. William Sharpe. The whole of the sheds, stables, and out-buildings were ...
Article : 513 wordsTHE meeting convened by advertisement in last Saturday's issue to discuss the propriety of collecting a fund by public subscription to be devoted to the relief of the widows and orphans of British soldiers and sailors who ...
Article : 1,812 wordsTHE elevation of Mr. Fleming to the Chief Justiceship has taken some people by surprise—we effect no astonishment, for we feel none. The honour will sit gracefully on the temples of the Judge, and will add ...
Article : 491 wordsWE continue our extracts from American journals:— THE BROADWAY CATASTROPHE.—VERDICT OF THE JURY.—The Coroner's jury on the investigation into the cause of the late calamity at No. 231, Broadway, ...
Article : 3,630 wordsThe Eighth Annual Meeting of this Society was held last evening at Mezger and Basstian's, Mr. F. Lipscombe in the chair. The report read by the Secretary (Mr. William ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 15 Aug 1854, Page 2
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