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Advertising : 345 wordsTHE battle for Moscow having reached a stage of unexampled ferocity, and grave days having developed in Soviet, a new call has ...
Article : 1,137 words"After nearly 10 years in opposition, Federal Labour has at last assumed office again. This change in a profoundly beneficical one for the whole ...
Article : 533 wordsWhen the new railway timetable comes into force to-morrow, Dubbo and the west will, be served by speedy trains with modern carriages. The Central Western Express will travel between ...
Article : 491 wordsExtraordinary keenness for their job marks the activities of about 100 members of the Dubbo High School Senior Cadet Detachment, according to the headmaster (Mr. G. W. H. Perkins), who told "The Liberal" yesterday that the boys' ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 289 wordsWriting to "The Liberal," Messrs. Haskins, Davey and A. Gordon Gutteridge, consulting engineers, of Sydney, said they had read details id "The Liberal" of the new million and quarter gallon reservoir being erected in this town. ...
Article : 443 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 364 wordsApart from the fact that our wines, in competition with the world's best, have been awarded Gold Medals in International Exhibitions -positive ...
Article : 147 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 74 wordsA new arrival at a camp for prisoners of war "somewhere in Britain" was being put through the routine search when the guard, to ...
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Advertising : 79 wordsThe Australian Wheat Board's quotations: Millers' lots for home consumption, bulk 3/11½; prices for export on application to the board. ...
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The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate (NSW : 1894 - 1954), Sat 11 Oct 1941, Page 2
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