THE accompanying Order of the Queen in Council, which has been made in pursuance of the 59th section of the Passengers' Act of 1855, for enforcing order and cleanliness, and securing proper ventilation on board ...
Article : 1,307 wordsTRULY the model official may say that his right hand knoweth not what his left hand doth; for there is a kind of official ignorance which seems to preclude ministers of state from exercising a ...
Article : 1,288 wordsTHE present Parliament was undoubtedly returned with the majority pledged, after the most approved electioneering fashion, against the maintenance of Maynooth, and the opinion of the ...
Article : 1,266 wordsSERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday last a serious accident occurred to a young man, whose name we have been unable to learn, but who was, as we are informed, returning from the Rocky River. He was in company ...
Article : 780 wordsJULY 25TH.—Much has been said and written to make the public aware of the inexhaustible richness of our Major's Creek, but if as much more were written the full value of that favourite spot would not be brought ...
Article : 852 wordsBEFORE Mr. George Thornton, J.P. Eliza Darke and Thomas Smith, convicted of drunkenness, were ordered to pay a fine of 20s., or be imprisoned for twenty-four hours. ...
Article : 225 wordsMR. LWAN, of Morpeth, has kindly forwarded us the following extract of a letter from his son, which speaks very highly of the success of the diggers:— "To the Editors of the Maitland Mercury.— ...
Article : 1,069 wordsON Friday evening an accident (though happily not of a very serious nature) occurred to the Braidwood mail coach about a mile from this township. It appears that the night being dark, the driver not having ...
Article : 1,284 wordsBEFORE Mr. Dowling and Major Wingate. Thirteen drunkards were dealt with after the usual manner; another, who had been taken into custody for disorderly conduct while intoxicated, at the ...
Article : 1,255 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 1 Aug 1856, Page 2
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