A LARGE and influential meeting of the people of Morpeth was held on Thursday evening last, in the Presbyterian Schoolroom of that town, for the purpose of giving public expression to their feelings with ...
Article : 5,227 wordsARALUEN NEAR BRAIDWOOD, 2nd March.—The amount of gold obtained in this sequestered and beautiful valley has fallen short of the usual average for the last few weeks. This is principally caused by the ...
Article : 449 wordsMr. Haines rose and said: Sir, Before the House enters on the consideration of any business, it will perhaps be more convenient that I should state at the earliest moment the result of the deliberation of the ...
Article : 3,388 wordsMARCH 2ND.—The people of the interior cannot refrain from taking notice of the injustice done to them by the late and by the present Governments. Plenty of money can be found to supply the metropolis with things not ...
Article : 565 wordsLAND SALE.—On Monday last a very spirited competition took place at the land office for a strip of land 10 feet wide, a frontage barely sufficient for a pig-[?]tye. It appears that some twelve months ago Mr. Garvey ...
Article : 690 wordsARRIVAL OF GOLD.—On Monday last the escort from Tumut arrived in Goulburn with 643 ozs 8 dwts. of gold. The prospects at the alluvial claims are more cheering than they were lately. New ground has ...
Article : 652 wordsA[?] POLDING.—His Grace the Most Rev. Bede Polding arrived in Albury on Wednesday, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Bermingham, of Yass. His grace was received near the racecourse by the ...
Article : 814 wordsAs per advertisement, the above races carne off on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 24th, 25th, and 26th ultimo. FIRST DAY, WEDNESDAY, 24. ...
Article : 586 wordsMR. HATFIELD.—A meeting of the friends of this gentleman took place at the Salutation Inn, on Monday evening last Mr. W. E. Vernon in the chair. A resolution to the effect that Mr. Hatfield be invited to a ...
Article : 735 wordsON Wednesday afternoon last, the good people of Windsor, almost unexpectedly, were honoured by a visit for the first time from Sir William Denison. It was only on the previous afternoon that it became ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 6 Mar 1858, Page 6
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