A PUNLIC meeting of shipowners and ship masters, and other persons interested in the intercolonial trade, was held on Friday afternoon, at the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel, corner of Spencer and Flinders street. It was convened by the following ...
Article : 3,265 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 388 wordsBEFORE the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Dickinson. PATERSON AND ANOTHER V. METCALF. The motion to set aside a Judge's order herein—partially heard on Monday, was resumed, and concluded. The order appealed ...
Article : 1,000 wordsBANCO COURT.—New Trail Motions.—Stuart v. Mitchell and others, part heard; M'Bean v. Gwynne and another, Newland v. Humphrey and another, Parnell and another v. Cuberoft, Arndt v. Dickson and others, Richards v. M'Intosh. ...
Article : 77 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 130 wordsSIR,—In the Illawarra Mercury, of the 30th May, there is a report of a meeting of the Electors of Ulladulla and Mr. Garrett's reception by them, which is so generally false both in letter and spirit, that I deem it my duty to contradict it; and seeing that ...
Article : 495 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 991 wordsBEFORE the Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. In the estate of John Booth, an adjourned examination. Nothing done. In the estate of Edward James, a first meeting. Two debts ...
Article : 221 wordsBEFORE the Mayor, Mr. Kettle, Mr. Ross, Mr. R. K. Wilson, and Mr. Peden. Eight drunkards were severally fined 10s., and one 20s., with the usual alternative; and a woman of seventy years of age was ...
Article : 314 wordsBefore the Primary Judge. HOUSE AND ANOTHER V. BIDDLE. His Honor gave judgment in this case as follows:— This is a suit for this specific performance of a contract entered ...
Article : 1,866 wordsMR. CHARLES MARTYN reports:—The horse market has been very dull throughout the week in consequence of being overstocked with inferior horses. There is not much chance of on alteration taking place in prices, until a considerable number of them are ...
Article : 339 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate, Mr. R. K. Wilson, J.P., and Mr. R. J. Hopkins, J.P. Six parties were charged with being drunk, three of whom were admonished and discharged, two fined 10s. each or 21 hours ...
Article : 303 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 91 wordsBefore the Water Police Magistrate, and Mr. W. S. Deloitte, J.P. Margaret Hourigan, for being drunk in Essex-street, was fined 10s., or in default twenty-four hours' solitary confinement. Olee Jacobson, suspected of deserting the ship Maria Augusta, ...
Article : 229 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,514 wordsTHE first general meeting of the members of this institution was held on Monday evening, in a large room temporarily fitted up for the purpose in the unfurnished house of Mr. Newland, near the Robin Hood Inn. Notwithstanding the ...
Article : 661 wordsSIR,—Although you will, I have little doubt, have had the fact in remembrance, I think it may be as well to remind you that the Hunter River improvements, to which Mr. Allen referred in his hustings speech at East Sydney, as reported in the Herald of ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 15 Jun 1859, Page 7
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