A MISCELLANEOUS concert was given by the University Festival Committee on Saturday afternoon, in the hall of the University. The primary object of the concert was announced to be the raising of a sum towards ...
Article : 1,447 wordsI SAW the human millions as the sand Unruffled on the starlit wilderness. The day was near, and every star grow less In universal dawn. Then woke a band ...
Article : 135 wordsA MEETING of the Municipal Council will be held at the Town Hall, to-day (Monday), at 3 p.m., for considering the following notices of motion— By Alderman THURLOW, That the report of the Financial ...
Article : 407 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 407 wordsBEFORE Mr. Justice Dickinson and Mr. Justice Milford. ...
Article : 1,608 wordsEve darkens on our legendary scenes; Pale Flora watching o'er the Prince forlorn, Ruth standing like a poppy in the corn, And Mary, fairest, saddest of the queens, ...
Article : 117 wordsA mighty hand o'er all the world did pass, It stripped old empires and sun-sluggard isles, The Icy Arctic, Egypt's thirsty miles, And laid its treasures in a hall of glass. ...
Article : 108 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,366 words"With martial elangor thro' thrilled street and square Our Grenadiers marched proudly to the war. What then? On lazy purples lolls the Czar I Fame, grown familiar as our native air, ...
Article : 110 wordsThe Chasseurs spread like flame from crag to cragThe lowering English silence was unbroke; "Forward" strung all our columns, and a shook Of valour tingled to the dancing flag. ...
Article : 114 wordsBEFORE the Mayor, Major Lockyer, and Mr. Cape. Twelve persons convicted of having been found drunk in the streets were severally sentenced to pay 10s., or to be imprisoned twenty-four hours. ...
Article : 399 wordsOver that breathing waste of friends and foes, The wounded and the dying, hour by hour,— In will a thousand, yet but one in power,— He labours thro' the red and groaning day. ...
Article : 115 words"Thou canst not wish to live," the surgeon said. He clutched him, as a soul thrust forth from bliss Clings to the ledge of Heaven! "Would'st thou keep this Poor branchless trunk?" "But she would lean my head ...
Article : 145 words"See to my brother, Doctor; I have lain All day against his heart, it is warm there; This stiffness is a trance; he lives! I swear,— I swear he lives!" "Good Doctor, tell my ain ...
Article : 128 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate. John Merry, who had been found drank in Kent-street, was fined 10s.; in default of payment to be imprisoned for twenty four hours. ...
Article : 675 wordsGod be with ev'ry man who fell or fought I Let that stern Marshal ever honoured be, Who asked the price of dazzling victory— Life! And he threw his down. There slumbers not ...
Article : 125 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,493 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 1 Aug 1859, Page 5
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