THE beginning of a new year commonly inclines in to look forward in money matters as well as in others. It is, however, in general by no means easy to do so. The state of the money market is affected by so ...
Article : 1,709 wordsTHE following letter is the production of a youth of thirteen years of age, a native of this colony. He left Sydney in the care of his clerical tutor a few months ago, en route for England, but with the ...
Article : 956 wordsBEFORE Mr. Warburton, Mr. G. Hill, Mr. Williams, Mr. Raper, Mr. Ross, Major Lockyer, Captain M'Lean, Mr. Oatley. Eight persons were convicted of having been found ...
Article : 708 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 3,703 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate and Mr. H. Armitage. Edward Russell, a royal marine, of H. M. S. Iris, was charged with having been drunk in the streets, ...
Article : 149 wordsA MEETING of master bakers was held yesterday afternoon, at the Gardeners' Arms, York-street, to take into consideration the present ruinous system of credit given by the trade, and to devise some means of ...
Article : 878 wordsMONDAY MORNING, MARCH 19.—The Ministry have been thriee beaten during the past week—once on the Land Bill, and twice on the Kyneton Deviation Bill. They have takenit in good part, and the Chief-Secretary ...
Article : 3,143 wordsSIR,—In the abscnce of any other correspondent, I beg leave of a few lines in your journal to call the public attention to the state of that part of Woollocmooloo-street which is crossed by judge-street. For about a menth it hs been in a most frightful ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 23 Mar 1860, Page 5
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