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Advertising : 4,554 wordsATTRACTIVE advertisements and placards, announcing that the fine steamer. Black Swan, would ply between the jetty, at Woolloomooloo and Mossman's Bay, during the afternoons of Saturday and Sunday—the ...
Article : 2,055 wordsWE have Adelaide journals to the 1st instant. The coming elections are beginning to excite attention, more especially as connected with the retirement of so large a number of the old members, and the ...
Article : 1,423 wordsIN a recent summary we published some particulars relating to a very important branch of colonial industry—thatof the curing of beef and tongues, for some time past carried on at Broadwater, on the Clarence ...
Article : 444 wordsVIEWED as a scientific pursuit and as a mental recreation of the very highest order, music continues to be properly appreciated in this community. At times, it is true, a concert of a very superior character ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 13 Mar 1860, Page 2
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