Australia! Australia! Thy star is shining now, A glorious wreath Fate's hand hath twined around thy youthful brow. Thy golden treasures, long entombed, thou yield'st to bless the ...
Article : 189 wordsTHE SHOOTING CASE.—To the notice of this occurrence, which appeared in our last, we now add some further particulars, from yesterday's Maitland Mercury. It says:—"On Tuesday, John Scanlon was ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 620 wordsDECEMBER 29TH.—MELANCHOLY BOAT ACCIDENT.— Yesterday morning, at about a quarter to six o'clock, the provision boat belonging to the steam-dredge was proceeding up the ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 30 Dec 1859, Page 5
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