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    Bottom Row.—Lieut. A. H. Robin, C.O., 30th Army Service Corps; Capt. J. W. Blanch, C.O., 15th Army Service Corps; Lieut. K. A. Nugent, C.O., 28tA Army Service Corps; Major C. E. Merritt, V.D., ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 338 words
  3. COMMONWEALTH FORCES.—3rd Military District (Victoria) Officers of District Head-Quarters Staff, Commanding Brigades and Metropolitan Units.

    Rew dramatic stars in Australia have leaped into meteoric fume like Miss Muriel Starr, who has made a success in "Madame X" at Mel[?]urne Theatre Royal. Coming unknown and a ...

    Article : 405 words



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