A PUBLIC meeting was hold last evening at the Australian Library, Bent-street, for the purpose of receiving the report from the provisional committee, and for the performance of other business necessary to the establishment of the ...
Article : 6,782 wordsBEFORE the Chief Justice. JURORS FINED. Fines of £10 each for non-attendance were imposed upon Messrs. Alfred Mitchell, William Manson, Michael Egan ...
Article : 176 wordsA MEETING of the committee appointed to carry out the resolutions passed at the public meeting, on Monday se'night, was held yesterday evening, at the "Volunteer Club. Mr. Cuthbert occupied the chair. ...
Article : 292 wordsBEFORE the Chief Commissioner. In the estate of John Musgrove, a third meeting. Mr. Stephen appeared on behalf of the official assignee, and said that on Thursday he would be in a position to state ...
Article : 456 wordsA MEETING of the officers and members of the volunteer corps was held yesterday evening at the Volunteer Club, for the purpose of considering the desirability of having an encampment at an early period. The room was crowded to ...
Article : 619 wordsTHESE sessions commenced this day, with a calendar of sixteen cases for trial. Before the Chairman. The Crown Prosecutor conducted the following cases:— ...
Article : 407 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,026 wordsA PUBLIC meeting of the ratepayers of the municipality of Paddington was held yesterday evening, pursuant to advertisement, at half-post seven o'clock, at the Royal Oak Hotel, Paddington, for the purpose of considering the ...
Article : 1,630 wordsBEFORE the Police Magistrate, with Messrs. M. M. Cohen, Murphy, and Kettle. Seventeen drunkards were fined 10s. each, and three 20s. each, another, d[?]alt with under the Vagrant Act, was ...
Article : 341 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate, Mr. R. Ronald, Mr. J. Williams, and Mr. T. Cooper. William Agnow, a seaman, who had deserted from the ship Solway, was sentenced to seven days' hard labour in ...
Article : 221 wordsJURY COURT.—Special juries of twelve: Fitch v. the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company; Cameron v. Hay; Lloyd v. Wentworth. BANCO COURT.—Adams and others v. Clarke and another (part ...
Article : 96 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 5 Nov 1861, Page 5
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