SIR,—In Mr. Arnold's excellent speech on Mr. Rotton's motion, I observe the following passages:- "Until the Government could make up their mind to plunge into the barren country that lay between ...
Article : 258 wordsSIR,—Perceiving in your issue of yesterday a statement connected with the above locality, I beg leave most respectfully to contradict the erroneous statements made therein by your correspondent, "Midnight ...
Article : 321 wordsSIR.—For many years I have been labouring under the impression that friendship was reciprocal in its nature. Your correspondent "Noemon," however, in his ...
Article : 655 wordsSIR,—Permit me, through the medium of your valuable journal, to draw the attention of our worthy Mayor and aldermen, as well as that of their lessee of the Corporation Baths, to on abominable mischief ...
Article : 745 wordsSIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. Gerard Phillips, in his clever letter on the "Municipalities Bill, "points out two very palpable grievances which, if permitted to pass without amendment, would become an ...
Article : 334 wordsSIR,—Will you kindly permit me, through the medium of your valuable columns, to ask the reason why the railway station at Haslam's Creek is so neglected. I believe you will find far worse paying stations on ...
Article : 387 wordsSIR,—Is is to be the eternal reproach of this colony that it shall linger on timidly at the distance of two hundred years behind the most tardigrade and benighted of European kingdoms, in all those grand ...
Article : 714 wordsGAPTURE OF A NOTORIOUS THIEF.—On Wednesday, the 23rd ultimo, whilst Mr. Sherman, our chief constable, was on duty on the Wellington road, he suddenly came upon a man named Thomas Lee, alias ...
Article : 1,931 wordsONE of the first matters which the House of Assembly will be called upon to consider, on its resuming business, is the voting of a sum of money to equip Mr. Stuart and his party for a further, and doubtless final, ...
Article : 2,344 wordsSIR,—The communication from Eden which appeared in Saturday's Herald, relative to the incapabilities of portions of this district bears the signs of, at least, a very misguided judgment as to what is due to the ...
Article : 805 wordsTHE entries for the Turf Club Spring Races, to take place On Thursday next, were made last night at the Albion hotel. All the events are well represented, and the entries are the best that have been made for ...
Article : 1,625 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 5 Nov 1861, Page 3
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