THE renowned billiard-player, Mr. John Roberts, arrived in Australia by the last trip of the steamship Great Britain, and early in the present mo[?]th paid a professional visit to New South Wales, having ...
Article : 3,099 wordsTHE Rev. Aaron Buzacott, for many years missionary at Raratonga, in the South Seas, died at his residence, Melbourne Cottage, Darlinghurst, Sydney, on Tuesday, September 20th, much regretted by all who knew ...
Article : 5,989 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 389 wordsADVICES from the Cadiangullong Copper Mines state that thirty tone of fine copper have been produced this month; they will, it is expected, arrive in Sydney before the end of the month. The lodes continue of the same promising ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 21 Oct 1864, Page 5
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