SIR,—Through the medium of your journal, I beg to ask why the Volunteer b[?]nd does not now, [?] formerly, perform in the Botanical Gardens on Saturday afternoon? I am sure that any pecuniary loss to which they are subjected ...
Article : 98 wordsTHE following notifications appear in yesterday's Government Gazette:- APPOINTMENT.—Mr. Harold Maclean to be Sheriff of the colony, in the room of Mr. George R. Uhr, retired. ...
Article : 1,369 wordsYESTERDAY evening the annual meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society took place in the St. James' Schoolroom, in Castlereagh-street. In the absence of the president of the society, the vice-president, Mr. Aldis, was ...
Article : 1,524 wordsWHILE all eyes are fixed on the disintegration of the North American Republic, comparatively little notice is generally taken of the construction of the Mexican Empire. And yet we have ...
Article : 1,354 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 3,631 wordsTHE adjourned half-yearly meeting of the Fitzroy Iron Works Company was held yesterday afternoon at the offices of the company, in George-street, The chair was taken by Mr. A. Davy. ...
Article : 1,742 wordsSIR.—Allow us to call attention to the serious injury inflicted upon the commercial public by the negligence of the postal authorities at Sydney, in consequence of which a letter from our Sydney correspondents, containing remit ...
Article : 148 wordsTHE following memorial was presented yesterday morning to the Hon. the Minister for Works, by Mr. Ward, of Newcastle. The prayer of the petition is so reasonable that it is difficult to see how it can be refused. ...
Article : 505 wordsSIR, —It has often been a matter of surprise to me that a bill has not been introduced into the Assembly levying a small assessment on stock, to create a reward fund for the destruction of native dogs. Next to S[?]ab, and bad ...
Article : 550 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 170 wordsSIR,—Could you or any of your readers inform me in what year the "Great Seal of the Colony" was first used, and. what the device thereon represent, and oblige ...
Article : 40 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 17 Aug 1864, Page 5
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