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Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,272 wordsSIR.—Some recent communications relative to events which had occurred in America serve to throw light on the extreme difficulties which b[?]set those desirous of forming correct opinions respecting the Civil War ...
Article : 1,619 wordsWINGHAM, DECEMBER 14th.—Mr. District Judge Francis wtih Mr. J. O'Nell Brenan, Crown Prosecutor, and Mr. Thurlow, solicitor, from Sydney, arrived here yesterday. The District Court opened this morning with eighteen ...
Article : 652 wordsON Monday last, at half-past three p m., Mr. William Macleay, on his return from Wagga Wagga to Sydney, encountered Hall, Gilbert, and Dunn, about thirteen miles on the Sydney side of Goulburn, under ...
Article : 894 wordsTHE steamer Bombay, with the English mails of October, arrived in Sydney on the 13th instant. The greater number of the elections for the new Legislative Assembly have taken place. A large ...
Article : 336 words[?]—Perhaps you will allow me to add a few words to the [?] article in your number of Wednesday last, on the [?] difference on the subject of transportation now [?] between England and her Australian colonies. ...
Article : 206 wordsTHE HUME—Polling day, Saturday, 24th instant MONARO.—Polling day, Saturday, 24th instant. TENTERIELD—Polling day, Saturday, 24th instant. THE CLARENCE.—Polling day, 29th instant. ...
Article : 76 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 432 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 984 wordsSIR,—Is there no possibility of establishing a children's hospital in come elevated and bracing situation near Sydney. Why should we lose half our children before they are five years of age, and send home, at a great expense to the colony, for immigrants? ...
Article : 203 wordsIN the Argue of the 16th instant the following correspondence is published:- To the Editor of the Argus. SIR,—The enclosed telegram was received from Swan ...
Article : 293 wordsSIR,—Refering to my letter of the 12th instant, on the problem of single altituce and meridian distance, I perceive an omission of the prefix "sup." iu note a, and as I have reason to believe that my rules will be extensively used by practical men, and others of ...
Article : 420 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 275 wordsSIR—About four years since, an American itinerant lecturer on animal magnetism, calling himself "Professor" Stone, introduced into this town a clever performer, whose name—to the beat of my recollection—was Fay. On a ...
Article : 408 wordsAFTER having prepared one's mind for a proper contemplation of a city buried eighteen hundred years ago, it is calculated to throw it back to the days of railways and other modern contrivances, to find, at ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 22 Dec 1864, Page 5
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