Margaret Aitkin, convicted of stealing the property of her employer, was brought up for sentence. Several persons gave the prisoner an excellent character, the prosecutor also bearing testimony to the girl's previous probity. ...
Article : 1,208 wordsIT will be remembered that on the 22nd July an engagement took place at Poverty Bay between the Colonial forces under Captain Westrupp and the runaway Maories from Chatham Islands, which resulted in the loss of two men ...
Article : 670 wordsFILES of the Moni[?] de [?] Nouvelle Caledonia, to the 27th September, have been received. The Government have given a grant of land for a racecourse, as well as a s[?]m of 1500 francs towards the first ...
Article : 136 wordsTHE highly successful season of the Lyster Opera troupe has been followed by [?]n interval of unusual dulness in matters theatrical, and until the engagement of Madame Bishop and Mr. Lascelles at the Prince of Wales Opera ...
Article : 413 wordsINQUEST.—An inquest was held at Enfield, North Richmend, on the 3rd instant, before Mr. White, Coroner, and a jury, on the body of a man, named Thomas Nelson, who died on Saturday morning. The deceased had been living ...
Article : 451 wordsWilliam Knight, fireman on board the steamer Hero, was given into custody charged with wilful disobedience of lawful commands, for which offence he was sentenced to be imprisoned for seven weeks and forfeit two days' wages. ...
Article : 82 words"Sir,—I have the honour to state for the information of the Hon, the Minister for Colonial Defence, that I left here at 4 a. m. on the 7th instant with the forces, as per margin, intending to reach Te Rua-aruru through the ...
Article : 3,527 wordsA MONTHLY meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday, 7th October; Mr. R. I. Jenkins, vice-president, in the chair. Present—Messrs. Dawson, Dight, Moore, Pye, Cox, Lackey, Reed, Yeomans, Lloyd, Castle, Cleeve, and ...
Article : 940 wordsON Wednesday evening, the Hon, the Postmaster-General, Mr. A. A. P. Tighe, addressed a meeting of the electors for the electorate of Northumberland, at the Oddfellows' Hall, Wallsend. There was a large attendance, and great ...
Article : 1,179 wordsWHEN it became known that the Governor was to arrive here on Tuesday (after having opened the Wollongong Dock), it was arranged that as many of the inhabitants who desired should meet him at the Minna Murra River, that ...
Article : 1,093 wordsIn the estate of Charles Whitfield. Insolvent was directed to file his schedule and statement on or before the 19th instant. In re Morey and Price v. Thomas William Johnstone, an ...
Article : 328 wordsMUNICIPAL COUNCIL.—The usual fortnightly meeting of the Council was held on Tuesday last. Present—The Mayor and the full Council. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Improvement ...
Article : 1,046 wordsTHE annual meeting of the Cumberland Auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society was held in St. John's Schoolhouse, on Wednesday evening last. There was a good attendance. The chair was taken by the Mayor of ...
Article : 1,734 wordsOf seven drunkards brought before the Court, three were fined 10s. each, or three days imprisonment; one was fined 20s., or seven days' imprisonment; another 5s., or two days' imprisonment; the others were discharged. ...
Article : 806 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 9 Oct 1868, Page 2
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