OUR Hawko's Bay correspondent sends us the following important news, which had been brought by the A[?]u[?]iri:- NAPIER, January 5. The s.s Ahuriri arrived here yesterday from Poverty ...
Article : 2,727 words[?] their worship the Police Magistrate and Mr. Burdekin. Eleven prisoners were brought before, the Bench; of these one was discharged and another was remanded. ...
Article : 454 wordsSHORTLY after 3 o'clock on Friday morning the two-story brick building in John-street, partly occupied by Mr. Thomas Lloyd as a general store, was discovered to be on fire. From the particulars that could be gathered by us, it ...
Article : 1,077 wordsThe following items of news, from papers to the 12th instant, are extroacted from the Melbourne Age:- Mr. Du Cane, the new Governor, was expected to arrive in Launceston by the Tasmania on Tuesday. No great ...
Article : 829 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate, with Mr. T. C. Breillat. Robert Rice, 76, convicted of stealing eleven hens, value £2, the property of Francis Giles, was sent to gaol ...
Article : 167 wordsIF there are any amongst us who believe that the introduction of Christianity and civilisation amongst the Maoris has eradicated the blind superstition that was previously known to exist, the following extraordinary facts should at ...
Article : 1,462 wordsNEWTOWN V. WARWICK.—The 1st elevens of th[?]se clubs on Saturday played a one day's match on the ground of the former, and only an innings each was taken, the result of which was a victory for the Warwick Club. The suburban ...
Article : 1,177 wordsA MEETING of the Municipal Council of Sydney will be held at the Town Hall, York-street, on Monday, the 18th January, at 3 o'clock afternoon, for considering the following notice of motion: ...
Article : 1,069 wordsFROM Brisbane we are in receipt of papers to the 13th instant. A man, named James Anderson, was run over by a cab in Queen-street, near Petrie's Bight, at about 10 o'clock on ...
Article : 649 wordsFrom the South Australian Register of the 8th instant, we extract the following:- BUSHRAN[?]ING ON THE DARLING.—Our correspondent at Menindi[?] furnishes the following interesting particulars ...
Article : 579 wordsCOOK.—A meeting of the Council was held on the 4th instant. Present—The Mayor, and Aldermen Hinds, Larkin, Bennett, and M'G[?]ath. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, A ...
Article : 954 wordsFrom Melbourne we have papers to the 14th instant. No other cases of chicken-pox or small-pox are reported as having occurred on Wednesday (says the Argus), while those already under treatment at the Immigration Hospital ...
Article : 702 wordsFrom Auckland we have files to the 9th instant. A private letter from the Maori King (the Southern Cross states) was received by a gentleman in Auckland a day or two ago. The letter is in the handwriting of the ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 18 Jan 1869, Page 2
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