The following were the reasons assigned by their HONORS the CHIEF JUSTICE, Mr. Justice HARGRAVE, and Mr. Justice FAUCETT, on the 13th of December ultimo, for their respective judgments in the above case, the result being ...
Article : 2,793 wordsTHE result of the polling for the Electorate of Hartley was officially declared at the Court-House, Hartley, at noon on Tuesday last, by the Returning-officer (Mr. Edwin Barton), who said it was his duty to state the result of the ...
Article : 1,618 wordsVIA California we have telegraphic news from the Atlantic States to the 5th November; though no later than the intelligence received by the English mail, the details are more full. We extract from the Evening ...
Article : 2,675 wordsBEFORE their Worship the Police Magistrate, Messrs. Day, M. Chapman, Renwick, and Hughes. Of twenty-three prisoners who were brought before the Bench, two were discharged and seven were remanded. ...
Article : 590 wordsPlaintiff, on Tuesday last, sued for the price of a lamp, supplied by him to a Mrs. Horner, residing at Manly Beach. Miss Horner, daughter of defendant, Stated that, on the way from Manly Beach to Sydney, the plaintiff ...
Article : 1,026 wordsToronto, November 3.— The Parliament of Ontarie opened this afternoon. Governor Howland, in his opening address, referred to the abundant harvest and the aotivity in manufactures and railway enterprises, the inereasing ...
Article : 89 wordsHavana, November 3.— Admiral Poor, accompanied by Consul General Plumb, has exchanged visita with Captain General de Rodas. Havana, November 3.— The Captain-General leaves to ...
Article : 82 wordsFive, druukards were punished. Catherine Cuddy and Catherine Wilson, for fighting in Abercrombie-lane. were each sentenced to pay a penalty of 20s.; in default, four days' incarceration. ...
Article : 350 wordsCARRONDALE, Illinois, October 28th.— One of the most terrible disasters that ever occurred on the Western waters took place at Noely's Landing, below Geand Tower, on the Mississippi River, last night, about 7 o'olock, ...
Article : 1,331 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 73 wordsMASTER'SOFFICE.— At 10.30, Hogan V. Hogan, to deliver out settliment; Blackwood v. the London Chartered Bank, to flx amount of security on appeal. At ll a.m. Marchant v, Raynor and another, plantiff's evidence; ...
Article : 281 wordsALTHOUGH by no means equal to that of yesterday, the attendance on the Parramatta racecourse to-day was very fair, and those who were present seemed determined theroughly to enjoy the are offered to their appetits for ...
Article : 552 wordsIn the state of Solomon H. Levy, a third meeting. Three debts were proved, and the official asignee read his report. Reserve to be made for evetual proof by English creditors. ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 30 Dec 1869, Page 2
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