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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,262 words
  3. Ritual, Myth, and Customs of the Australian Aborigines.

    Amongst the rites which are enacted in the sacred upper circle is the production and explanation of the sacred murrawan or Durra mullan or bullroarer, the sight of which ...

    Article : 2,558 words
  4. Pleasantries and Fancies

    Exasperated Purchaser: "Didn't you guarantee that this parrot would repeat every word he heard ?" Bird Dealer: "Certainly I did." ...

    Article : 1,074 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 44 words
  6. A Conviction Sustained.

    The case, Regina against John Stevens, was before the Full Court on Saturday, on appeal by John Stevens against a sentence of six weeks passed upon him at Hay Quarter Sessiens by Judge Forbes ...

    Article : 215 words
  7. Willis' Mysterious Disappearance

    A startling denouement has taken place with, regard to the disappearance of a resident of En-more named Willis a couple of weeks ago. Willis, it may be remembered, addressed a letter to his ...

    Article : 278 words
  8. South Australian Colonists Dinner in London.

    The first annual dinner of South Australian colonists resident in London took place last night. There was a large and distinguished company present. Sir James Fergusson, M.P. for ...

    Article : 366 words
  9. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 230 words



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