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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,672 words
  3. Banquet to the Governor of South Australia.

    Lieutenant Colonel Gerard Smith, the newlyappointed Governor of Western Australia, was entertained at a banquet in London last night, prior to his departure for Perth. There was a ...

    Article : 305 words
  4. The Weeks's Cables.

    The Australian Chilling and Freezing Company has declared a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. The British annexation of Bechuanaland , under ...

    Article : 1,167 words
  5. Political Notes.

    The Government has decided to take over the works of the Wollongong Harbour Trust, it having become evident to the Treasurer that there was no alternative. ...

    Article : 1,516 words
  6. The Situation in South-Eastern Europe.

    The conspiracy to remove the Sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hasid lI, and to proclaim his brother Mehemmed Reshad Effendi, in his stead is spreading in the European provinces of Turkey . The ...

    Article : 1,114 words

    Speaking on behalf of the Foreign committee of the United States Senate Senator Morgan declared that the United States will not consent to Great Britain sharing in the ownership of Nicaragua. ...

    Article : 140 words
  8. CHINA.

    It is reported that the Mahomedan rebels in the province of Kansu, in the north west of China, are willing to agree to terms of peace, on condition that a Mahomedan Governor be appointed for the ...

    Article : 37 words

    The latest developments of Eastern question have caused an acute panic in Vienna. The panic that now exists has not been equalled for 22 years. There has been it heavy fall in shares. Messrs. ...

    Article : 48 words



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