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    Advertising : 2,609 words

    THE following further correspondence on the subject of the Suez mail service was laid on the table of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria:— The Postmaster-General, Tasmania, to the Chief Secretary, ...

    Article : 283 words
  4. The Colonial Secretary, Queensland, to the Chief Secretary, Victoria.

    Sir,—I do myself the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter, enclosing copy of one addressed by you to the Colonial Secretary of New South Wales, on the subject of the proposal of the Imperial Government with reference to ...

    Article : 296 words
  5. Telegram from the Chief Secretary, Victoria, to the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales.

    South Australia and Tasmania concur in fixing middle of January for conference. This Government further suggests that as an issue has unfortunately been raised between this colony and New South Wales in reference to ...

    Article : 143 words
  6. Telegram from the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, to the Chief Secretary, Victoria.

    This Government is quite agreeable to postponement of conference until the middle of January. There is one objection to change the seat of conference. We have, in defence of (sic) other colonies, postponed time of meeting, ...

    Article : 91 words

    THE following estates were surrendered:— Alexander Bryce Bain, of Darlinghurst, late of New Zealand, mining and commission agent, on petition and affidavit. Mr. Sempill, official assignee. ...

    Article : 436 words
  8. Telegram from the Chief Secretary, Victoria, to the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales.

    Your telegram informs us your one objection to conference meeting middle of January in Tasmania is, that your Parliament may then be in session. In reply I would point out to you it is usual to adjourn ...

    Article : 126 words
  9. [Enclosure.] The Postmaster-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary.

    The Secretary of State for the Colonies having in his despatch of the 4th September enclosed a letter from the Lords Commissioner of the Treasury containing proposals for a new postal service with the Australian colonies on the ...

    Article : 180 words
  10. Telegram from the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand, to the Chief Secretary, Victoria.

    I subjoin copy of telegram sent to Sydney this day. New Zealand Government would be obliged if you could use your influence in favour of postponement of conference. Copy of Telegram sent to Colonial Secretary, Sydney, ...

    Article : 113 words
  11. The Postmaster-General, Tasmania, to Chief Secretary of Victoria.

    Sir,—I have the honour to request a telegraphic message, for the information of this Government, stating whether it is the present intention of the Victorian Government to send representatives to the Intercolonial Conference, to be ...

    Article : 78 words
  12. Letter from the Hon. the Chief Secretary, Victoria, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, New Zealand.

    Sir,—I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of the 4th instant, requesting this Government to use its influence in effecting a postponement in the time of the meeting of the Intercolonial Conference until ...

    Article : 176 words
  13. The Chief Secretary, Victoria, to the Colonial Secretary, Tasmania.

    Received your letter of 13th instant, and will reply in course of to-morrow. Meanwhile may state that New Zealand desires conference to be postponed till January; and this colony cannot pledge itself to send representatives ...

    Article : 57 words

    BEFORE the Mayor and the Police Magistrate, with Messrs. Cunninghame and Smart. Six persons were fined for drunkenness. Ellen O'Neill, an idle and disorderly person, was ...

    Article : 276 words
  15. The Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, to Chief Secretary, Victoria.

    Sir,—In further reply to your letter of the 6th instant (which I had the honour to acknowledge by telegram yesterday) on the subject of Lord Kimberley's despatch of September 4th, and its enclosure from the Lords of the ...

    Article : 436 words
  16. Telegram from Chief Secretary, Victoria, to Colonial Secretary, Queensland.

    I have received following telegram from New South Wales, and promised reply by first steamer. Copy will be sent to you. (Signed) ...

    Article : 38 words
  17. (Telegram referred to.) Telegram from Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, to Chief Secretary, Victoria.

    This Government regrets that the one reason given against change of seat of conference is not accepted as sufficient. There are several others, which it was hoped would not be necessary to advance. First—The conference ...

    Article : 242 words

    BEFORE the Water Police Magistrate and Mr. Day. Eight persons were fined for drunkenness. John Connell and James Donovan, seaman, were fined 20s. each for riotous behaviour in Hunter-street. Charles ...

    Article : 154 words
  19. Telegram from Chief Secretary, South Australia, to Chief Secretary, Victoria.

    Your telegram received. This Government would willingly meet at Hobart, if convenient to other Governments. Suppose Queensland and New Zealand prefer Sydney, we cannot object to meet at latter place, as we ...

    Article : 86 words
  20. The Chief Secretary, Victoria, to the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales.

    Sir,—I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th current, in reply to mine of the 6th idem, on the subject of Lord Kimberley's despatch on the Suez mail service. ...

    Article : 261 words

    ON the 2nd November, before Mesers. Jardine and J. G. Macdonald, Adolph Trevethan was brought up in custody, charged with unlawfully shooting one Joseph King, a miner, residing on Charters Towers. ...

    Article : 2,791 words
  22. The Chief Secretary, Victoria, to the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales.

    Sir, — I acknowledged by telegram, this forenoon, the receipt of yours of the 20th instant, in which, in reply to mine of the previous day, you enumerate several other reasons, not previously referred to, against holding the ...

    Article : 725 words
  23. The Honourable, the Colonial Secretary, New South Wales.

    " Mail Conveyance between Sydney and San Francisco. " Tenders will be received at this office, and at the office of the Agent-General, for the colony in London, up to noon on Wednesday, the 20th November next, for the conveyance ...

    Article : 106 words
  24. The Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, to Chief Secretary, Victoria.

    Sir,—I have the honour to request your attention to my letter of the 6th August, and to subsequent correspondence on the proposed intercolonial conference to be held in Sydney. It was found that the date first named would not ...

    Article : 374 words



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