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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 6,584 words

    DURING the present week the weather has been very wet and cold; nearly every day we have had showers or a heavy fall. The reappearance fo the sun's warm rays is anxious[?]y looked for. Grass is abundant; the fields look well and ...

    Article : 1,987 words

    DISTRICT COURT.—The third sittings of this Court for the current year were held on the 16th instant, before his Honor Mr. District Court Judge Dowling. There were no cases of any importance the principal defended cases were ...

    Article : 567 words
  5. MUDGEE.

    ON last Saturday evening about twenty-five gentlemen met at Dayly's Post-office Hotel, for the ourpose of presenting an address and testimonial to Mr. David Scott, who has been a resident of Mudgee during the past six years, and is ...

    Article : 930 words



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