"DAY DREAMER" writes from Bowral. N.S.W.:— The article in "The World's News" on this subject by "Porkobidni" contains the germ ...
Article : 706 wordsON the ground that the Bible, as we know it, is redundant and remote, Mr. Wells, having [?]nished his "Outline of History," proposes a new and monumantal work for the salvaging-o ...
Article : 514 wordsHERE are some of the superstitions common regarding that spider-like creature generally known as "daddy longlegd." Take him by on leg and say: "Daddy longlegs, tell me ...
Article : 341 wordsIT is easy to understand why you may not send tabacco to Peru, Morocco, Greece, and several other countries, because the Governments concerned hold a monopoly of the article. ...
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The World's News (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 1955), Sat 20 Aug 1921, Page 2
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