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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading
  2. A flying bota better than a full tinnie

    NOT FOR the first time to I find myself disagreeing with the jeremiah of Australian history. Admittedly, unless you are an ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 733 words
  3. Conflicts between—and within—the major elements of Polish society

    ONE" of the most unavoidable pitfalls of political analysis is what might be termed the fallacy of the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,895 words
  4. The Canberra Times

    CONSIDERING the parlous state of the American economy, it is no surprise that the President, Mr Reagan, chose to concentrate on economic matters in his state of the union address on Tuesday, with only a passing reference to foreign ...

    Article : 424 words
  5. Cutting costs

    Proposals to increase taxes in the 1983 fiscal year, which begins in October, were prompted by estimates that the deficit, which the Administration wanted to be rid of by 1984, looked like blowing out to $US150,000 million in 1983 and 1984. The ...

    Article : 374 words

    The Governor-General, Sir Zelman Cowen, presided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council at Government House yesterday. ...

    Article : 118 words
  7. LETTER to the Editor

    Sir,—While unreservedly welcoming the appointment of Mr Justice Stephen as our next GovernorGeneral, most law students will ...

    Article : 163 words
  8. Times past

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 64 words
  9. WHO PAYS?

    THERE seems to be an almost breath-taking nonchalance about the Department of Defence surmise that the Australian taxpayer automatically will have to pay for damage caused by a fire aboard the new destroyer, HMAS Sydney, in the Seattle ...

    Article : 454 words
  10. No title

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 0 words



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