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  2. The Canberra Times

    SOME years ago the then Prime Minister, Mr Fraser, told Australians they were living beyond their means and running up enormous debts to unfairly burden future generations. The belt had to be tightened, and the ...

    Article : 747 words
  3. Big change in Trade reveals startling new philosophy

    SHOULD Governments be in the business of picking winners, sorting the wheat from the chaff ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 988 words
  4. LETTERS to the Editor

    Sir, — You know, I question whether we're ever going to achieve pcace — do you want to know why? ...

    Article : 466 words
  5. The war in the South Pacific

    Sir, — If I were going to the War Memorial in Canberra to gain more understanding and perspective of the Australian Army's ...

    Article : 623 words
  6. Moving teachers like chess pieces

    Sir, — Yet another letter expressing parent interest in and concern about public education. We believe that the management ...

    Article : 176 words

    The Governor-General, Sir Ninian Stephen, presided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council at Government House, ...

    Article : 90 words
  8. Fitness and risk of heart attack

    Sir, — In 1975, while in Moscow, I ascertained from an academic that the 1956 Olympic champion V. Kuts died of a heart ...

    Article : 308 words
  9. No title

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 0 words
  10. Availability of Serepax

    Sir, — Regarding you article on April 10, concerning the prescribing of Serepax in the ACT, might I point out that there are people in ...

    Article : 251 words
  11. Act of friendship with Turkey

    Sir, — It was disappointing to sec the article titled 'Gelobulu Plaza? Hitler Gardens?' by Mr A. Fitzgerald published in The ...

    Article : 354 words
  12. Times past

    April 24. 1935: The leader of the Federal ALP in NSW, Mr J. B. Chifley, said there would be no ...

    Article : 43 words

    Readers can telephone letters offewer than 50 words to "Lettcrline" between 8pm and 9pm seven days a week for ...

    Article : 82 words



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