Paramatta, R.M.S., for London, via ports: 114,000 bar[?] Argentine lead, 12 bales leather, 66 bales skins, 2[?] casks gold concentrates (£1500), 50 cases wine, 118 bars bullion, 71 bags Argentine matte, 2 cases watches, (£500) 10 cases ...
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Advertising : 1,844 wordsThe annual meeting of the Working and Factory Girls' Club was held in the club hall, Kent-str[?] in the neighbourhood of St. Andrew's Cathedral, on Saturday evening. It had been announced that the ...
Article : 2,450 wordsSir,—No assembly of men [?] he out of reach of criticism, and when that criticism is just and fair good comes therefrom. So long as I have the honour to be a member of the Institute of Architects ...
Article : 2,895 wordsThere is nothing in the world which produces the s[?]nse of mental naus[?] more completely, or is more certain to turn the intellectual stomach, than the use of certain joc[?]larities of speech with which many ...
Article : 1,972 wordsCoal shipments since the 1st current from Sydney comprise: June—[?] Gulf of Martaban (s.), 3500 tons, Metropolitan, for Singapore, 4, Catterthun (s.), 1400, for Shanghai, 12, Elberfeld (s.), 1800, Wallarah, for Singapore. 15, ...
Article : 194 wordsThe P. and O. Company's R.M.S. Himalaya entered Sydney Heads at 6.20 a.m. and came up to Neutural Bay. Her average [?]ourly speed from Melbourne to Sydney was 17 knots. With regard to her record ...
Article : 199 wordsIn the Speaker, "A.T.Q.C." (Mr. Quiller Couch) writes as follws:—The acute and learned Lien Chi Attangi observes, in a letter addressed from this country to Fum Hoam, first president of the ...
Article : 1,372 wordsBy the P. and O. Company's R.M.S. Britannia leaving to-day for London:—To London Mr. J. P. Gadesden, Mr. [?] Shirres, Colo[?] Eden and son, Miss Cox. Mrs. Kelly, Mr. Cleveland, Mrs. Wadge, Miss Gibson, Miss M. ...
Article : 275 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 2,062 wordsSir,—In reply to Mr. Jno. Haynes M.L.A., permit me to point out that, while, he complai[?]s of the Liquor Traf[?]c Local Option Bill being in the hands of Mr. Kidd, be suggests no other ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 26 Jun 1893, Page 10
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