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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 503 words
  3. CARLIE.

    As he hissed out those concluding words he darted away, running with all speed and careful avoidance of frequented paths from the grounds. ...

    Article : 2,461 words
  4. An Object Lesson in Irrigation.

    Some interesting particulars have been supplied us of an irrigation experiment undertaken by Mr. R. T. Keys, of Bengalla, Muswellbrook. For nine months be has been ...

    Article : 858 words
  5. The African Pygmies.

    Some very interesting information respecting the African pygmies is given in the Atlantic Monthly by Mr. S. P. Verner, a gentleman who for three years lived among ...

    Article : 599 words
  6. Death of Dr. Bowker.

    The death ia recorded of Dr. Richard Ryther Bowker, M.L.C., one of the oldest and most highly esteemed medical practitioners in the State, at his residence, Avoca, Thornton-street, ...

    Article : 286 words
  7. The German Emperor.

    His ideel is war, but he's a practical man. If he sees two nations bellowin at each other the assurances in their distinguished considheration, he says, "Boys, get together. ...

    Article : 170 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 26 words



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