{No abstract available}
Advertising : 744 wordsBusiness in the Stock and Share market seems to be settling down into holiday proportions To-day there was but one transaction in investment stocks. Buyers are apparently holding off, and ...
Article : 843 wordsSYDNEY WOOL-SELLING BROKERS' ASSOCIATION.—At the various stores, at 9.30, Hides, &c.; at the Wool Exchange, at 11.30, Sheepskins; at Dri[?]an's Stores, at 2.30, Tallow. ...
Article : 274 wordsThe New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Melbourne, report by telegraph:—We held our tenth wool sale of the season to-day when we submitted a[?] attractive catalogue comprising 6600 bales. There was ...
Article : 193 wordsCentral Broken Hill,. De[?]ber 8.—Smelter ran full time less 6½ hours; treating 299 to[?] 17cwt. 2qr. 13lb. net ore, producing 81 tons 3cwt. 71b. bu[?]on, containing 6693oz. silver, averaging 22·31oz. silver and [?] per cent. lead. ...
Article : 55 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,641 wordsThe Gulf of Genoa's Victorian cheese is turning out in a sweaty condition, which is attributed to the faulty construction of the chamber It is expected that the loss in value will amount to 6s per ...
Article : 68 wordsBusiness was very quiet in the Mining market yesterday, the only sales reported being of Mount Allen at 4s 3d, and Tilden's Proprietary at 6d. B. H. Proprietary shares closed at 31s ...
Article : 138 wordsBusiness in investment stocks was of moderate extent to-day, principally in bank deposit receipts, but without important change in values. There was a firm market for debentures, but the only ...
Article : 408 wordsFat Sheep.—27,702 sheep were penned, the bulk being good to prime quality, with a fair proportion of crossbred, and a large supply of lambs. The market opened to a fair attendance of buyers at an advance on Monday's rates, ...
Article : 1,272 wordsIn their third half-yearly report the directors of the Victory (Charters Towers) Gold-mining Company state that during the half-year 4683 tons of quartz were crushed for a yield of 4468 oz. 11dwt. 22gr. of ...
Article : 179 wordsAnother nice cake of Drysdale gold was brought in from the local Huntingdon mill last night, about 400oz. of stone averaging about 10oz. The m[?]ne looks as well as ever. The lode is fully 7ft. wide. No. 2 ...
Article : 1,083 wordsThe exports per Warrege for Sydney to-day were 28oz. gold, 10,476 bags sugar, 27 cases fruit, 136 cases vegetables, 25 bags maize, 5 bags bran, and 20 bags chaff. ...
Article : 134 wordsPitt, Son, and Badgery, Limited, announce by advertisement elsowhere that they are pr[?]pared to protect tho interests of constituents who desire to engage in the export of live stock to England. ...
Article : 55 wordsThe Sydney Woolselling Brokers' Association report that wool sales were held to-day (Thursday) at the Wool Exchange, Macquari[?]-place, when the quantity catalogued totalled [?]26 bales, and the sales amounted to ...
Article : 1,449 wordsBusiness generally speaking in the produce trade to-day along the wharfs was dull. In da[?]y products trade was fairly brisk, all lines moving off well except eggs. The maize market was quiet and ...
Article : 1,516 wordsPitt, Son, and Badgery, Limited, report holding a very successful sale of light and medium draught horses at Camperdown on the 12th, 30 from Davis, Dale, and Co., making up to £14 5s; also a lot for T. H. Goodwin, ...
Article : 90 wordsFat stock sales were held at Campbell's Hill yards to-day. Fat cattle: Moderate supplies were yarded with a fair attendance of the trade. Prices were at late rates. Bullocks, £2 5s 6d to £4 4s; light, £1 17s to £2 17s; steers, ...
Article : 180 wordsThe cattle to be forwarded to England by the Echuca were trucked to-day for Sydney. Seven polled Angus, from Mr. R. T. Key's Bengalla herd, are as fine a lot of [?]xen as can be seen in Australia. They are very heavy weights, some ...
Article : 171 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 229 words[?] 30 tanks English malt have been taken [?] within the last day or two at up to 6s 6d per [?]hel. Malt is in short supply on the sport, and demand is improving, so that prices are likely to ...
Article : 1,112 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 14 Dec 1894, Page 7
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