We have been blessed with few more auspicious Easter Mondays than yesterday. All was bright, clear, and invogorating, and in addition there was an indescribable somothmg drawing people out of doors, ...
Article : 200 wordsThe holiday was observed to-day in the usual thorough manner. The weather was beautifully fine, but warm. The principal event was the Q.T.C. races, which attracted a good attendance. ...
Article : 56 wordsFurther news from Buluwayo reports that Gambo, a leading native chief, remains loyal to the British. The settlers in all the districts, with the exception of ...
Article : 67 wordsA shocking tragedy was perpetrated in Whiteehapel during last night or early this morning. Burglars offected an entrance into the dwelling of a wealthy ...
Article : 127 wordsThe Chief Secretary (Hon. J. V. O'Loughlin) has sent, through the secretary of the Adelaide Hospital, a communication to the chairman of the honorary medical staff, Dr. Hayward, in which ...
Article : 304 wordsSaturday's elections were expected to strengthen the opponents of the Government, but the result in several cases has been a surprise Of the 22 Beats filled, filve only were won by Ministerialists, ...
Article : 2,261 wordsSri Hercules Robinson, Governor of Cape Colony and British High Commissioner in South Africa, has telegraphed to president Kruger that he will remember ...
Article : 67 wordsNo special attractions were offered at the Zoological Society's grounds yesterday, but the [?]ttily-dreased lawns, the shaded resting places, [?]fins menagerie, and the general picturesque ...
Article : 146 wordsThere was only a fair attendance at Bondi yesterday. The largest crowd congregated at the aquarium, where an entertainment was held under the management of Mr. Ras. S. Magnussen manager ...
Article : 110 wordsOnly 2 per cent, of the new Chinese loan of £10,000,000, which was placed on the English and German markets, has been taken up in Germany. ...
Article : 33 wordsFour hundred and fifty British residents [?] Johannesburg have voluntoored for terrica agaiust the Matabele. It has been ascertained that in the ...
Article : 49 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 304 wordsYesterday Lord Brassey a splendid yacht Sunbeam was thrown open to public inspection. Although there are prohobly few things in which the Governor of Victoria takes greater pride than this yacht, he ...
Article : 114 wordsMuch distressprevailsamongstthe native population in the North-westorn provinces of India. Relief works have been started, and employment has been found for ...
Article : 35 wordsCoogeo is always a popular picnic place with the people. Yesterday was no exception to the rule The long stretch of " silver sands " was alive with people, and the surrounding slopes were dotted with ...
Article : 186 wordsThe Sydney Music Hall shared in the general prosperity of last night, when the Intercolonial. Variety and Specialty Company presented a capital Programme, which closed with the dashing farce, ...
Article : 34 wordsIn another column reference is made to a Scaneoscopic Entertainment which is to be given to-night at the Centenary Hall, under Vice-regal patronage, in aid of the sufferers by the Brunner colliery ...
Article : 36 wordsThe Parramatta Wharf, situated at the foot of King-street was one of the most thronged places in the city for several hours yesterday morning In anticipation of a heavy day two steamers, the ...
Article : 274 wordsThe Paris correspondent of the Pall Hull Gazette makes an important an[?]cement this evening with regard to the attitude of France towards Great ...
Article : 73 wordsTo-day was observed as a close holiday by all the business establishments, while many of the mines followed toe same rule. The principal event of the holiday was the Oddfellows' sports, which ...
Article : 187 wordsThe Black Plague, which some time ago caused great mortality in China, has broken out at Yokohama, Japan. ...
Article : 29 wordsThe large number of visitors from the country very appreciably increased the attendance at the Cyclorama during the holidays, and yesterday in spite of all outside attractions the highly ...
Article : 91 wordsRussia is urging the reunion of the Greok and Bulgarian Churches under one patrinreh. ...
Article : 27 wordsBoth the railway and tramway authorities reported that the traine yeaterdae was unprecedented. The mail trains leaving Redfern had to be despatched in two divisions, but the arrangements ...
Article : 336 wordsThere are 4000 dervishes at Suarda, a few miles to the north of the third cataraet on the Nile, and 10,000 are concentrated in the vicinity of Dongola and Abu ...
Article : 85 wordsThe Government has purchased the trunk lines of telephione connecting the principal towns in England. This step is regarded as the beginning ...
Article : 47 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,157 wordsAbout 900 excursionists journeyed to Coney's Gardens, yesterday. Every care had been exercised in arranging for the comfort and convenience of the pleasure seekers. Cool and shady summer-houses ...
Article : 71 wordsThe excursion of the popular steamer Namoi to the Hawkesbury yesterday was marked by a very ead fatahty About 800 passengers wore on board when the vessel left the wharf at the ...
Article : 643 wordsThe weather being beautifully fine yesterday, with a fresh southerly breeze, a large number of holiday makers were tempted to try a brief spell on the ocean, away from the dust of the city, with ...
Article : 186 wordsLittle of interest has passed here sinoo the last mail, that is, of interest to the outside world. There was a heavy gale on the 7th to the 9th instant, such as has not been seen here for some ...
Article : 373 wordsThe Times this morning says that there is a romarkable revival in the worsted industry in Yorkshire. ...
Article : 27 wordsThe Ameer of Afghanistan has made arrangements for the transport of 12,000 EaffirstotheRussian frontier of Kafiristan, the mountainous district lying between ...
Article : 58 wordsAs on previous holidays, Manly proved the great attraction for pleasure-seekers whose moans and inclinations did not suggest a far removal from the city From early in the forenoon until well into ...
Article : 222 wordsThe South Kensington Museum was thrown open to the public on Sunday. The visitors numbered 1000. ...
Article : 28 wordsThe reputation for spectacular magnificence achieved by " Djin-Djin" caused a determined rush for the Lyceum Theatre at an early hour. The house was full at 7.15 o'clock, and right up to 8 ...
Article : 76 wordsThe settiers in Bechuanaland are flocking into Mafolnng, on the frontier of British Bechuanaland. They dread a rising among the natives, ...
Article : 49 wordsThe Times refers to the report of Herr Carl Schmoisser, the German expert, who was sent out to report on the goldfields of Australasia for an English sydndicate, and ...
Article : 68 wordsThere was an annuated scene in the vestibule of Her Majesty's Theatre towards 8 o'clock, when playgoers were vainly inquiring for seats long since occupied." Hands Across tbe Sea " is a ...
Article : 82 wordsThe steamers running to Watson's Bay yesterday were not over-crowded, but on every trip they took down a satisfactory number of passengers, as is shown by tho fact that something over 120O pertons ...
Article : 98 wordsThe great success won by Mr. Bland Holt's enterprising production of " One of the Best " on Saturday accounted for the congested state of the Theatre Royal auditorium. At this house all seals were ...
Article : 277 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 372 wordsThe Cardinals of the United States, England, and Ireland have issued a joint invitation to the members of the Roman Catholic Church soliciting the co-operation ...
Article : 66 wordsThe steamers which left the jetty at the foot of Phillip-street for Clifton Gardens at short intervals yesterday were well patronised, and took down in all something over 1500 visitors Arrived there, these ...
Article : 63 wordsThe holiday celebrations proved very enjoyable. The weather was uncertain, but little or no rain fell, and the various places of amusement during the evening were thronged. ...
Article : 283 wordsThe folk who spent yesterday at any of the pleasure resorts in Middle Harbour must have had a really good time. The weather could not have been more agreeable, and there was nothing in the behaviour ...
Article : 84 wordsA aeamau on the Namoi, named Petersen, who was in the boat that was being lowered when the davit broke, made a statemeat after the vessel arrived in Sydney. He explained that he was ...
Article : 256 wordsThis favourite resort as usual attracted a large assemblage yesterday, it being estimated that over [?]00 people arrived there during the day. The Shamrock Club's picnic, which was held at these ...
Article : 39 wordsThe University of Glasgow has conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity on the Rev. J. F. M'Swaine, of Brisbane. ...
Article : 28 wordsA large number of holiday-makers journeyed to North Sydney yesterday. The cable and electric [?]ramways were taxed to their utmost capacity. The railway from Milson's Point to Hornsby was also ...
Article : 134 wordsThe concert given hy the Nowbury-Spada Company at the Town Hall last night proved exhilarat [?]g, for the principals were in splendid voice, and the programme was excellent. Mr. Philip Newbury ...
Article : 817 wordsA great fire has occurred at Manilla, in the Philippine Islands. Four thousand houses were destroyed and 30,000 persons have been rendered ...
Article : 32 wordsAt this chureh Easter was celebrated with solemnity. There were the usual early Masses, and at 11 o'clock there was a Missa Cantata, Rev. Father Hogan being the celebrant The musical portion of ...
Article : 150 wordsThe Domain is always a favourite resort at holiday time for those who wish to spend a quiet day with their families in picnicking, &c. Yesterday was no exception to the rule, and though the fina park ...
Article : 85 wordsA Passeuger on the Namoi—Mr. George Morrison —stated last night that he had been chatting to the deceased and some other young ladios just prior to the fatslity. Without any warning the deceased ...
Article : 102 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 21 wordsA Methodist camp meeting and farewell p[?]ente to the Rev. Rainsford Bavin were held under very successful auspices yesterday at the military ...
Article : 423 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 7 Apr 1896, Page 5
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