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Advertising : 947 wordsA most enthusiastic worker for all charities, Lady Barton's name is generally to bo found on all committees whoso object is the betterment of women of the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 717 wordsAll desiring recipes or any information appertaining to the Home and its surroundings. Including the Garden and Poultry run, are invited to ask for it under this head. The applications ...
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Advertising : 105 wordsThe first essential is to find a suitable site for a gentlemen's stall, so that all of the sterner sex may get to it without trouble, as nothing annoys thr lords of ...
Article : 542 wordsCHINA PEAR JAM (in answer to "Ethel").—Pool and slice the yellow China pear; add a little more than half a pound of sugar to one pound of fruit ...
Article : 720 wordsGeneralisations about the sexes, like those about races, usually strike me as unprofitable, writes Dr. Salceby in the "Chronicle." The real variable is the ...
Article : 1,055 wordsSolution.—It. Walkin. Junction Reefs; and T. Crossingham, John's River. Winners.—5s: Selwyn Robberds. 30 Cambrige-st. St. Paddington. 2/6 each : Vic. BUrke, P.O ...
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Advertising : 21 wordsThe not of six of these pictures have new appeared. Intending competitors should cut thorn out immediately and send them in. In order to afford distant readers every opportunity, the competition will close 23 days after the last picture of the series hus appeared. The prizes will be one of £2, four at 5s each, eight at 2s 6d each. On the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 96 wordsLINOLEUM CREAM (in reply to "J.C.").—¼oz white wax, ½oz beeswax, ½oz Castile soap, ½ pint turpentine, ½ pint boiling water. Dissolve the soap in the ...
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Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), Sun 23 Feb 1908, Page 10
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