The Boers are in headlong flight northwards to the vaal ...
Article : 43 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 893 wordsThe exertions of Field-Marshal Lord Roberts in the prosecution of the campaign are wonderful. His health is splendid. ...
Article : 32 wordsA proposal to allow appeal to the Privy Council was by consent inserted in the Commonwealth Constitution Bill at Mr. Chamberlain's request. The delegates ...
Article : 302 wordsIn the House of Commons last night, Sir E. A. Bassoon, M.P. for Hythe, urged the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the commercial and ...
Article : 87 wordsThe Boers report that Lord Methuen is at Grayling's Drift, on the Vaal, and that General French is at Vredefort, about 10 miles south of the Vaal and 41 miles north-west of Heilbron. ...
Article : 8,352 wordsThe American newspapers who favour the Boer cause acquiesce in the pronouncement of President M'Kinley that the United States will maintain its policy of ...
Article : 31 wordsSergeant Herbert Brent (Victorian Bushmen) was killed in a railway accident at Winburg. ...
Article : 23 wordsEx-President Steyn Las persuaded a number of the Free Staters to continue their resistance to the British by declaring that Lord Roberta's ...
Article : 56 wordsIf any proof were wanted of the extravagant objects with which, the Transvaal entered upon the war it is supplied by the investigations of the representative of the London "Times" at ...
Article : 1,270 wordsLieutenant-General French, with the cavalry division, has reached Prospect, a few miles east of the main railway, 50 miles north of Kroonstad and 20 miles ...
Article : 108 wordsRussia is preparing defences for Manchuria adjacent to the frontier of Corea. ...
Article : 24 wordsLieutenant-General Sir H. M, Rundle is freely commandeering horses, carts, and stock in the Ladybrand district, and is keeping surrendering rebels under strict ...
Article : 31 wordsThe bye election for the vacancy in the representation of the Isle of Wight in the House of Commons, caused by the elevation of the former member, Sir Richard ...
Article : 90 wordsThe Prince of Wales guardedly approves of the scheme promulgated by the proprietor of the "Express" to commemorate the war and the heroes who ...
Article : 39 wordsA great bazaar in aid of the wounded has been opened at Kensington. The members of the Royal Family and of the aristocracy are among the ...
Article : 64 wordsTwo thousand Boers from near Ficksburg, which was occupied by patrols of Lieutenant-General Sir H. M. Rundle's division, are marching in a south-wosterly ...
Article : 38 wordsAn Indian has died of the plague at Durban, Natal. ...
Article : 16 wordsMajor "Karri" Davies, with eight of the Imperial Light Horse, entered Mafeking eight hours ahead of Colonel B. T. Mahon on the 18th instant. ...
Article : 84 wordsIn connection with the seizure of the steamer Beluchistan at Museatin 1898, the Court of Appeal has reversed the decision of Mr. Justice Grantham in the case of ...
Article : 434 wordsIn the Legislative Assembly yesterday the Promiar montioned that he intended next Tuesday to submit proposals providing for a referendum in reference to the Commonwealth Bill to all ...
Article : 77 wordsGeneral Sir Archibald Hunter will open the railway from Vryburg to Mafeking in a week. Trains are already running from ...
Article : 30 wordsEnteric fever is raging among the soldiers at Vryburg, and there have been many deaths. ...
Article : 24 wordsThe intercolonial representatives of the Chambers of Manufactures, who during the past week have been forming a tariff for suggestion to the Federal Parliament for adoption as the tariff for the ...
Article : 406 wordsWhen the relief of Mafeking was accomplished Major-General Baden-Powell allowed the garrison to have a parting shot at the retreating enemy. He utilised ...
Article : 44 wordsThe effects of the heavy rain are being felt in the low-lying portions of the south suburban districts, although the dam[?]ge done is not so severe as was the case during former heavy and continuous rains, ...
Article : 208 wordsSir Thomas Fowell Buxton, late Governor of South Australia, in a letter to the Times," warmly defends Sir S. J. Way, Chief Justice of that colony, against Mr. ...
Article : 64 wordsThe correspondent of the "Morning Post," in referring to the gallantry of the Queensland Bushmen's Contingent at the relief of Mafeking, says that the men ...
Article : 78 wordsSir William Henry White, K.C.B., Director of Naval Construction, has resigned owing to [?]ll-health, and to the criticism which has been passed on his ...
Article : 40 wordsLast night Crown-street was flooded, the east end being knee-deep. The Keira line crossing in Kembla-street, as well as Corrimal-street, was also in a flooded state, as indeed was all the low-lying ...
Article : 39 wordsCamden reports:—Nenean flood now subsiding from low-lying lands to river bank. Camden Bridge still impassable; mails and passengers boated across water. Bainfall, 64 points; weather dull, drizzling ...
Article : 478 wordsThe British scouts report that there is a large commando on the Buffalo River, east of Newcastle. ...
Article : 24 wordsBar silver is quoted to-day at 2s 3d per ounce standard. ...
Article : 19 wordsIn the House of Commons last night Mr. Chamberlain, Socretary of State for the Colonios, in answer to a question in regard to the Western Australian ...
Article : 66 wordsThe Boer report of the ambuscade of Captain Goff's squadron of Bethune's Horse, south-west of Vryheid, states that of the 71 men in the squadron 27 were ...
Article : 45 wordsThe aboriginal, Billy Broome, who was found guilty of the murder of Mary Le Blowitz at Stanton, Harcourt, has confessed his crime. The Cabinet decided this morning that the death ...
Article : 41 wordsA man named Victor Cadegan, a wharf lumper, was found suffering with the bubonic plague to-day. Dr. Koch also pronounces Pender's case genuine. Lawson, the Aramac case, is to be removed to the ...
Article : 46 wordsThe correspondent of the "Times" at Delagoa Bay states that President Kruger favours a surrender, alleging as his reason that the continuance of the war ...
Article : 75 wordsThe suspect from the Waltatipu, who was removed to the quarantine building at Pig Island, was not so well this morning, but improved during the day. A contact while chopping wood at the ...
Article : 120 wordsIn the Legislative Assembly notice of motion was given by Mr. Moorhead allowing Mr. Robson, member for Geraldton, to explain from his seat next Tuesday his action charging the Government ...
Article : 38 wordsMiss Lalla Miranda, the Australian singer, has made a successful debut in "Rigoletto " at the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. ...
Article : 29 wordsThe New Zealand Alliance opened its convention at Wellington to-day. The report showed that the prohibitionists polled 22,600 more votes at the last election than in 1896. The ...
Article : 45 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 315 wordsAt the wool sales to-day a small selection was offered. Prices were extremely firm. May 25. ...
Article : 46 wordsThirty trains up and down are running between Pretoria and Pictersburg every day. [Piotersburg is a town in the Zoutpansberg ...
Article : 35 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 182 wordsA patriotic concert was held yesterday. In response to the singing of the "Absent-Minded Beggar" £1 15s 6d was collected. GILGANDRA, Friday. ...
Article : 102 wordsA "Times" representative has examined at Bloemfontein the secret minutes of two conferences held in 1887 between President Kruger and the late President ...
Article : 56 wordsApparently Major "Karri" Davien and eight of his men were the first to enter Mafeking and when the whole story of the present campaign comes to be told it is possible that the Western Australian will ...
Article : 348 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 26 May 1900, Page 9
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