April 7.—Gazelle, brig, 178, Baker, Tor Nelson, with 254 tons coal. Bingle and Co., agents. 7—Grecian Queen, trig, 178, Lott, for Geelong, with 280 tons cool. Bingle and Co., agents. ...
Article : 248 wordsWe have received Victorian papers to the 30th March. The Herald's Melbourne correspondent, writing under that date says:—A split in the Cabinet is impending ...
Article : 1,728 wordsDRUNKENNES[?].— Michael Tallart pleaded guilty to being drunk on Saturday evening last. Admonished and discharged.—William Thorpe was brought before the bench for over-indn[?]gence on the previous evening. He ...
Article : 2,239 wordsMISSING.—It is reported that Mr. Pratt, better known as "Tommy Pratt, the jockey," has met with a mysterious end. It appears that he was on his way from Armidale to Grafton with a horse, and, having travelled ...
Article : 512 wordsWe have received New Zealand papers from Dunedin to the 20th March, and from Wellington to the 12th We extract from the Dunedin Telegraph:- We observe that the practice of selling fire-arms to ...
Article : 1,207 wordsApril 4.—Susannah Booth, schooner, 112 tons, Captain Clulow. from Otago 15th March, with sixteen passengers. 4.—Kembla (s.), 325 tons. Captain Mailler, from River, with fifteen passengers. ...
Article : 772 wordsFrom being laid up with a severe cold, I have been unable to forward you any news latterly; in fact, very little has occu[?] worth mentioning. The roads are still the source of great complaint—particularly the delay in the ...
Article : 519 wordsSUICIDE.—On Monday week a distressing case of suicide took place at Nerrigundah. An elderly person, a miner, named Frederick Madgwick, destroyed himself in his gunyah by hanging, having, as we are informed, ...
Article : 2,927 wordsNorthern Gold-Fields Election.—Buchanan ahead of Macnamara at Rocky River and Uralla. Charles [?]ramer Walter has been gazetted Consul for Hamburg at Newcastle. ...
Article : 49 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 390 wordsESCAPE OF A PRISONER FROM THE CHARGE OF THE POLICE.—Black Billy, some short time age, was apprehended by the Western police under a warrant issued by the Wee Waa bench, on a charge of horse stealing, from ...
Article : 461 wordsWheat, per bushel, [?]s. 6d. to 6s. Maize, per bushel, 4s. 6d. to 4s. 9d. Hay, lucerne, per ton, £5 to £6; ditto, oaten, ditto, £[?] to £7. ...
Article : 83 words[?]ay.—The market is still full, and nothing but good hay can be disposed of at anything like a reasonable price. I quote prime lucerne worth £4 10s. to £5 per ton; inferior and second quality, £2 10s. to £4 per ton; straw, £4 10s. to £5 per ton. ...
Article : 148 wordsDEAD BODY POUND IN THE BUSH.—On Wednesday week, as some parties were travelling to the north with sheep, they came upon the dead body of a man (supposed to be a Chinaman), about five miles from Ashford, ...
Article : 474 wordsWe have received Hobart Town and Launceston papers to the [?]0th and [?]st March respectively. We extract from the Hobart Town Mercury:- Referring to the discovery of gold reported by the ...
Article : 397 wordsDENILIQUIN STOCK REPORT.—March 27.—We have no improvemnt to notice is stock matters. Although the demand for good store cattle and for ewes in lamb noticed in our last continues, we hear of none approaching, or of any transactions ...
Article : 181 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Thu 9 Apr 1863, Page 3
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