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    SARAJEVO: Warring Serbs and Muslims prepared to open United Nations-mediated talks on a Bosnia truce yesterday ...

    Article : 512 words
  3. 'Free state' pushers on strike against cannabis ruling

    COPENHAGEN: Drug dealers in Christiania, the Copenhagen squatter town, went on strike on Wednesday to protest against the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 191 words
  4. Drug find spurs hope for cancer treatment

    IRVINE: California: A drug similar to vitamin A has been found to reverse pre-cancers of the cervix, according to the director of ...

    Article : 322 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 209 words
  6. Less offence, man to man

    SINGAPORE: A man has been given a lighter sentence for molesting a plainclothes policeman after an appeal court ruled the victim's gender ...

    Article : 128 words
  7. Former crew members charged after vandalism of Biosphere

    TUCSON, Arizona: Two people who lived for two years inside Biosphere 2, an experiment to create a prototype Martian colony, were ...

    Article : 311 words
  8. Pact poses little threat to Biggs

    LONDON: Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs is unlikely to be sent back to Britain from Brazil, even though the countries are on the ...

    Article : 175 words
  9. Sunspots linked to global warming

    LONDON: Sunspots, rather than "greenhouse" gases from the burning of fossil fuels, may be responsible for the rise in global ...

    Article : 521 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 120 words



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