There was a large meeting in St. Aldan's Hall, Annandale, last night, when Mr. Ashton spoke in favour of Mr. Mahony, the selected Liberal and Reform candidate. ...
Article : 1,292 wordsThe final reports by Mr. C. A. Scrivener and Mr. A. H. Chesterman, on the Federal capital sites in the Bombala and Tumut districts, were laid on the table of the House of ...
Article : 1,012 wordsThe Thibetans are afraid or taking the responsibility of evacuating the jong (fort) at Gyangtse lest the Dalai Lama should decapitate them. ...
Article : 179 wordsSeventeen additional survivors of the Danish emigrant steamer Norge have arrived at Aberdeen. They lived for six days on 34 biscuits and 6 buckets of ...
Article : 106 wordsA detachment of General Kuroki's army has occupied the Northern Fen-shui-ling (pass), which is the principal strategic position on the road to Liao-yang from ...
Article : 173 wordsThe Governor-General (Lord Northcote) and Lady Northcote and suite arrived at Gympie yesterday, and were met by the Mayor and councillors. Lord Northcote inspected the ...
Article : 157 words"Le Matin," Anvers, of May 31, records the death of Auguste Wiegand, an event stated as having just taken place at Oswego, U.S.A. The Antwerp daily gives a sketch of the ...
Article : 483 wordsThe Senate of France, by 167 votes to 108, has adopted the abolition of teaching by the religious associations. ...
Article : 31 wordsA number of writs arising from allegations that the full duty had not been paid on "fish cooled by cold processes" imported to Victoria were issued in the High Court to-day. ...
Article : 128 wordsThe French Chamber of Deputies has adopted the bill limiting the time of military service to two years. The Chamber also decided, against the ...
Article : 153 wordsThe Czar, in a rescript appointing Prince Obolenski Governor-General of Finland, mentions the autonomy of Finland and the privilege of legislating, ...
Article : 100 wordsAn unofficial telegram states that the Japanese vanguard is on the Mukden road. ...
Article : 18 wordsCaptain Trotter, of the steamer Indradevi reported to the Customs Department that while the vessel was coaling at St. Vincent five islanders stowed away on board, and ...
Article : 60 wordsGeneral Kuroki reports that two battalions of Russian troops attacked the Japanese at Mo-tien-ling (pass) at dawn on Monday during a dense fog, and were ...
Article : 68 wordsThe committee appointed by the French Chamber of Deputies to inquire into the alleged offer on behalf of La Grande Chartreuse monks of a sum of £80,000 to the ...
Article : 81 wordsA serious coach accident is reported from Taranaki. While the coach from Opunake was on the top of a high hill near Hawera the trace broke, causing the team to bolt at ...
Article : 107 wordsThe Technical Department of the Imperial Institute has made a report favourable to Queensland resin, hitherto believed to be kauri resin, but which is ...
Article : 220 wordsGerman newspapers ridicule the idea that Japan is yielding ground, and assert that General Kuroki is quietly working north, and means to debouch on the plain ...
Article : 35 wordsThe commander of the Dutch expedition in North Achin, Sumatra, telegraphs that he attacked Likat, and that 432 of the enemy were killed, including 124 women, ...
Article : 103 wordsIt is rumoured in the lobbies that Mr. Seddon will be appointed High Commissioner in London for New Zealand, and that the Agency-General will be abolished; also that Mr. W. ...
Article : 110 wordsCaptain M. Carey, late commander of the R.M.S. Moana, of the Canadian-Australian mail line, who arrived in Sydney from New Zealand yesterday by the steamship Victoria, ...
Article : 601 wordsMr. Bennet Burleigh, the correspondent of the "Daily Telegraph," states that the Japanese are landing 100 8in guns near Port Arthur. ...
Article : 32 wordsIt is reported at Tokio that Vice-Admiral Skrydioff, the senior Russian naval flag-officer in the Far East, is aboard the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Lieutenant ...
Article : 45 wordsIn the Legislative Assembly Mr. Gaunson brought before the House what he regarded as a breach of privilege. He complained of comments by the "Age" on his remarks of ...
Article : 491 wordsTurkish troops in the province of Gamendja, north-west of Salonika, surrounded and burned a house containing a Bulgarian band. One of the band ...
Article : 75 wordsBar silver is quoted to-day at 2s 2 15-16d per ounce standard, an advance of [?]d since yesterday. ...
Article : 28 wordsThe steamers St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, of the Russian Volunteer Fleet, have traversed the Bosphorus from the Black Sea. ...
Article : 63 wordsThe arrival of our new Governor, Mr. im Thurn, is awaited with eagerness. On St. John's Day the Freemasons at Suva held their installation ceremonies. Brother ...
Article : 209 wordsThe Russian newspapers rejoice at the opening of the Orenburg-Tashkend line to Kashtalinsk, and admit that it is designed to menace Afghanistan and Northern ...
Article : 80 wordsMr. K. Iwasaki, Acting Consul-General for Japan, received yesterday the following cablegram from Baron Komura, Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs:— ...
Article : 107 wordsIn response to the request of General Kuropatkin, a large number of heavy artillery is being withdrawn from a fortress in the Baltic and from forts at Kerch and ...
Article : 53 wordsMr. Chesterman's report on the Tumut sites dealt with a large number of places suitable for city purposes. Those under 1500ft altitude are Gadara, Lacmalac, Ellerslie, ...
Article : 319 wordsThe Shah of Persia has refused to comply with the request of Russia that he should prohibit the re-publication of war news from English, French, and German ...
Article : 39 wordsConvicts in the Don district, in Southeastern Russia, have petitioned the Czar to grant them a pardon on condition that they volunteer for the front. ...
Article : 31 wordsThe Administrator this afternoon declined to grant the dissolution asked for by Ministers, based on the grounds that their pledges to reduce expenditure and to effect amendments ...
Article : 382 wordsIt is the intention of the Hon. B. R. Wise, K.C., M.L.C., to make half a dozen speeches in different portions of the State on the subject of local government and financial reform. ...
Article : 62 wordsEnergetic whipping was conducted to-day by the Labour party and members closely associated with it. The desire was to work up a no confidence motion against the Coalition ...
Article : 143 wordsThe General who was in command of the Chinese soldiers who murdered Mr. Lewis Etzel, the Tientsin correspondent of the "Daily Telegraph," has been sentenced to ...
Article : 45 wordsThe Fourth series of wool sales opened to-day with a strong market. Prices varied from par to 7½ per cent. advance compared with those current at the close ...
Article : 129 wordsAt a meeting of the council of the Liberal and Reform party yesterday it was decided to ask Mr. Lewis whether, in view of the death of Mr. Evans, the Ministerialist candidate for ...
Article : 52 wordsThe Russian attempt to reoccupy the 4000ft high Motien Pass—on the main road to Liaoyang—recalls the Chinese effort in 1894 to take Hai-cheng after they had retreated from ...
Article : 1,228 wordsTwo wharf labourers named Charles Boyce and Edward Green, were injured on the steamer Alsa Craig, at Parbury's Wharf yesterday morning. The men were engaged in ...
Article : 138 wordsA final result has been arrived at locally in connection with the Raleigh seat. It will be remembered that that electorate was included amongst those which Mr. Ashton ...
Article : 210 wordsThe gold yield for June was 40,738 fine ounces, a decrease of 6738oz compared with the same month last year. The value of the gold was £215,534, a decrease of £27,745 ...
Article : 66 wordsThe reference which Mr. Crick, the ex-Minister for Lands, made at Millthorpe on Tuesday night to the Federal capital site, brought a statement from Mr. Carruthers at ...
Article : 550 wordsIn the Legislative Assembly to-day Sir Arthur Rutledge announced that he would before noon to-morrow make a definite statement to the Governor relative to the ...
Article : 142 wordsThe English wheat outlook is unsatisfactory. Some farmers anticipate that the crop will be the smallest for years. ...
Article : 27 wordsA boy named Charles Smith, living with his parents in Abattoir-road, Rozelie, fell into the water at the foot of Gordon-street yesterday afternoon, and was drowned. He was ...
Article : 109 wordsWilliam Marshall Fitzpatrick, an old-age pensioner, is 100 years old to-day. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1804, and fought under Admiral Howe. He landed in Sydney ...
Article : 72 wordsAt the sale of Australian tallow to-day 975 casks were offered, and 425 were sold. Prices were unchanged as follows:—Mutton, fine, 26s, medium 24s; beef, fine, 25s 3d, medium ...
Article : 38 wordsThe reform council decided yesterday to publish in permanent form lists of honour, in which the names should be inscribed of all candidates who "stand down" rather than risk ...
Article : 237 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 7 Jul 1904, Page 5
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