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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 108 words

    The coroner's inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of Mrs. Daisy Maud Kearney, whose body as exhumed from a sandpit in ...

    Article : 501 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 572 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 74 words
  6. Heddon Jockey Club.

    The annual meeting of shareholders in Heddon Jockey Club, Limited, will be held at Vindin's Chambers, High-street, wEst Maitland, on ...

    Article : 31 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 275 words
  8. Bolwarra Shire Election.

    The triennial election of councillors for Bolwarra Shire will be held on Saturday, December 2. Nominations close on Thursday, November ...

    Article : 39 words
  9. Federal Band.

    The Maitland Federal Band will render a programme, of music in Church-street, opposite the electric light station, to-morrow (Sunday) ...

    Article : 46 words
  10. Illness of Mr. J. M. Baddeley, M.L.A.

    The condition of Mr. J. M. Baddeley, M.L.A., was unchanged yesterday. The news of his illness has aroused widespread sympathy, and ...

    Article : 60 words
  11. Postmistress Honoured.

    Mrs. Johnson, who has been postmistress at Karuah for the past 35 years, was, on her retirement from the service, presented with a wallet ...

    Article : 88 words

    "The Masquerader," a First National attraction, which will be presented at Pictoria and Prince's Pictures to-night (Saturday), comes to ...

    Article : 201 words
  13. Dr. Dwyer's Jubilee.

    In connection with the episcopal jubilee of Dr. Dwyor, Bishop of Maitland, it is announced that special motor buses will leave Dawson's corner, East ...

    Article : 62 words
  14. Order of Sales.

    The order of fat stock sales at the municipal yards. Campbell's Hill, on Tuesday next will be: J. Hogan & Co. 1; H.G. Wolfe 2; E. W. Sparke 3; R. ...

    Article : 61 words
  15. Maitland Land Board.

    Mr. E. W. Brierly, chairman of the local Land Board, for the land district of Mainland, sitting in open court at the board-room, at East ...

    Article : 84 words
  16. Fatally Kicked.

    James Payton, 42, a wellknown dairy farmer, of Mount Pho[?] Lamb's Creek, received fatal injuries from a kick by a cow on Friday while milking ...

    Article : 118 words
  17. Jumble Sale and Social.

    The recent very successful Congregational spring fete, is to be followed by a jumble sale in the Congregational School Hall, on Thursday ...

    Article : 115 words

    Harry Clay's Ye Olde Minstrel Company will appear at the Town Hall to-night (Saturday), with new [?] and a new and attractive ...

    Article : 113 words
  19. Literary Institute.

    At the monthly meeting of East Maitland Literary Institute, the president (Mr. W. M. Porer) presided over a full attendance. The financial statement ...

    Article : 698 words

    The East Maitland Methodist Church service to-morrow (Sunday) morning, wil be conducted by Mr. A. A. Mannall. The Rev. J. H. ...

    Article : 664 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 55 words
  22. Ministerial Visit.

    Hon. Walter Bennett, M.L.A., has received word from the Hon. J. C. L. Fitzpatrick, Minister for Local Government, accepting an invitation of ...

    Article : 62 words

    The concert, to be given in the new Catholic Hall on Tuesday evening 7th instant, by the pupils of the Dominican schools, in honour of the ...

    Article : 134 words

    A middle-aged individual appeared before Major F. W. C. Crane, P.M., at the West Maitland Police Court charged with being insane and unfit ...

    Article : 46 words
  25. Wallarobba Shire.

    The following nominations have been received for the triennial elections for the council of the Wallarobba Shire:—A riding: Messrs. R. ...

    Article : 128 words

    Trade unionists in Sydney at the present time are being harrassed and discredited and deprived of their "right to work" without ...

    Article : 445 words
  27. Bowthorne Milk [?]

    An important meeting of Bowthorne milk suppliers will be held in the company's office, Morpeth, on Tuesday next, 7th instant, at 7.30 ...

    Article : 56 words

    Patrons of good music will to well to bear in mind, Monday, November 20. when the Newcastle Railway and Tramway Symphony Orchestra, is to ...

    Article : 101 words

    An inquiry, held by Mr. C. Ambler, the local coroner, in connection with the late Mr. Peter Chaffe, disclosed that this was due to natural ...

    Article : 358 words
  30. Death of Mr. W. W. Harkins.

    The death occurred last evening, in a private hospital in Maitland, of Mr. William Wallace Harkins, who for about seven years practised as a ...

    Article : 166 words
  31. Fete and Concert

    In the grounds of St. Paul's Church, West Maitland, on Saturday, December 2, a Christmas fete and moonlight concert will be held ...

    Article : 45 words
  32. Bazaar at Branxton.

    It is intimated that the Roman Catholic bazaar at Branxton will be opened on Wednesday next, november 8. It will be continued each ...

    Article : 42 words

    A grand testimonial benefit will be tendered to Mr. ike Beck by his brother performers in the Town Hall on Wednesday night next, by kind ...

    Article : 108 words
  34. Municipal Elections.

    It is notified that the triennial municipal elections at East Maitland will be held on December 2, Friday, November 24, has been fixed as ...

    Article : 56 words
  35. Police Court.

    Before Major F. W. C. Crane, P.M., at the West Maitland Police Court, this morning Loonard Appleton (17), was charged with braking ...

    Article : 202 words
  36. Property Sales.

    Mr. Chas. W. Holmes reports having sold by private treaty building allotment in Devonshire-street W. Maitland, to Mrs. M. C. Daly. for ...

    Article : 51 words
  37. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 162 words
  38. Pride of the EAst Lodge.

    Members of Pride of the East Lodge, No. 83 P.A.F.S. of Australasia, East Maitland, are invited to attend the next regular meeting. ...

    Article : 61 words
  39. Of Interest to Parents.

    We have been asked to draw attention to the announcement of the Presbyterian Ladies' College, of Goulburn, in to-days issue. The ...

    Article : 56 words
  40. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 37 words



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