Unless the Prime Minister, Mr. Deakin, can find some way of reconciling an instruction cabled to the Acting Prime Minister, Sir John Forrest, on May 30 last, the offer of the ...
Article : 2,912 wordsThe return contest between New South Wales and Queensland was played at the Sydney Cricket Ground on Saturday, and the result was a win for the home team by 11 ...
Article : 2,617 wordsA fire occurred at Woolloomooloo Bay on Saturday morning, when part of the cargo of the steamer Varzin was burnt, and the hold had to be ...
Article : 988 wordsOrotava, R.M.S., 5857 tons Captain W. J. Jenks, R.N.R., from London, via ports. Passengers—From London: Miss Rutherford,Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Haswell, Mr. S. D. Shrulsole, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hobson ...
Article : 633 wordsAfter the match the two teams were entertained at dinner at the A.B.C. Cafe by the New South Wales Rugby Union. The chair was occupied by Mr. J. F. Macmanamey. There ...
Article : 158 wordsThe latest advices regarding the wreck of the Kia-ora on the west coast of North Island state that all the crew except the captain are safe. ...
Article : 183 wordsMr. Austin Chapman (Postmaster—General) was unable on Saturday to make any communication with reference to the mail contract. He pleaded that the matter was in ...
Article : 165 wordsOrient, R.M.S., for London, vii ports. Kleist, G.M.S., for Bremen, via ports. Cooma s, for Melbourne. Yongala, s, for Brisbane and Northern ports. ...
Article : 54 wordsGreat uncertainty is felt regarding the loss of life in connection with the wreck of the steamer Kia-ora. Twenty-seven have been rescued by the Rarawa after a very rough ...
Article : 300 wordsNera, F.M.S., for Marseilles, vi aports; Cufic, s, for London and Liverpool, via ports: Moeraki, s, for Wellington and other N.Z. ports; [?] s. for Bermagui, Tathra, Merimbula, and Eden; Wauchope, s, for ...
Article : 75 wordsA meeting of members of the country party will be held on Tuesday to discuss various matters connected with the administration of the departments and legislative proposals that ...
Article : 95 wordsWaikare, s, 3071 tons, Captain M'Donald, for Auckland. Oonah, s, 1758 tons, Captain Bentley, for Hobart. Orient, R.M.S., 5631 tons, Captain Taylor, for ...
Article : 42 wordsThe steamer Tambo arrived from the islands to-day at noon, and will sail again at 4 p.m. She reports fine weather. Her through passengers are:—Dr. Maloney, M.P., Messrs, Madden and Hopson; and from ...
Article : 45 wordsCoolgardie, s, from Adelaide, via Melbourne: 4286 bgs chaff, 200 bgs malt, 100 hhds wine, 260 cs fruit, 110 b[?] soap, 80 bls hay, 65 cs brandy, and sundries. June 16. ...
Article : 118 wordsWELLINGTON (1239 miles).—Dept June 15, [?] phic, s, for London. ...
Article : 14 wordsWith the exception of the Bijou, all the theatres were crowded last night. "The Squaw Man," In which the Waldron-Humphrey Company made its Australian debut, ...
Article : 263 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 493 wordsOrient, R.M.S., for London, via ports 450 bis wool, 30 bis leather, 130 bis furskins, 200 csks pelts, 1250 cs p. meat, 50 hhds wine, 120 pkgs old metal, 056 bgs ore, 1052 bgs matte, 320 buttocks beef, 1700 brs lead, 250 ...
Article : 102 wordsSalvage operations in connection with the steamer Jessie Darling have been suspended owing to the rough weather. Last evening the sunken-vessel was removed by means of ...
Article : 141 wordsThe following passengers have been booked by the F.M.S. Nera, whichh will sail from Circular Quay at noon to-day, for Marseilles, via ports:—Mrs. Lester, Captain A. M'Kellar Wix, Messrs. A. Flakeler, M'Guire, ...
Article : 56 wordsThe lack of punctuality shown by those responsible for a timely beginning of the game was justifiably resented in the popular part of the ground where the outspoken critics ...
Article : 861 wordsThe Canadian Australian Company's R.M.S. Manuka arrived in Watson s Bay last evening from Vancouver, via ports Captain Morrisby reports that a departure was taken from Vancouver at 4 p.m. on May ...
Article : 112 wordsArbor Day was celebrated to-day, which was observed as a general holiday. It was an important function at the school-house. The Chief Magistrate, tbo Bishop, and all the ...
Article : 39 wordsThe barquentine Pelotas, timber laden, arrived yesterday from Whangarei, and anchored in Johnstone's Bay. She left the New Zealand port on June 1, and had fine weather until making the Australian coast, when ...
Article : 51 wordsThe barque Woollahra, bound from Wellington to Kalpara, went ashore on Friday night on the west coast near Kalpara Heads. No particulars are available. ...
Article : 33 wordsGeorge Brandon, who was until lately a resident of Coraki, was found in an unconscious condition in Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon. A police officer conveyed him to the ...
Article : 62 wordsThe departure of the Uunion Company's steamer Moeraki for Wellington has been postponed until I p.m. to-day. ...
Article : 28 wordsBottomry bonds to the extent of £7780 have been enforced against the Italian barque Stephano Razeto, which is lying at the Bluff. ...
Article : 31 wordsSir,—Kindly permit a brief criticism of what appears to be not only an infringement of the intention and principles of our new Local Govornment Act, but a complete ...
Article : 397 wordsThe German steamer [?], Waldemar arrived yesterday from Kobe, via Hongkong, Manila, German New Guinea, and New Britain, and berthed at Circular Quay. ...
Article : 33 wordsWhile walking across Oxford-street on Saturday night Henry Harold a labourer, residing in Pitt-street, city, was knocked down by a cab, and had his right leg fractured. He was ...
Article : 43 wordsThe following reports were received on Saturday from the coastal harbours respecting the state of the bars:—Bellinger: 6ft. 9in on bar, day tide; 8ft from night tide, channel north, narrow and intricate; ...
Article : 98 wordsOn the steamer Eastern, from Japan, via ports, there are Messrs. Watson, Fuller, Webster, Batchelor, Johnson, Bowden, and C. M'Donald, Ms.P. The lastnamed lett the party ...
Article : 115 wordsSouth Australia.—Overland, 5.30 p.m. Victoria.—Overland, 5.30 and 7 P. m. Queensland.—Overland, 3.45 p.m. Wellington, etc., N.Z. (direct).—Moeraki, noon. ...
Article : 353 wordsA middle-aged man, whoso name is unknown, fell down in a fit at the corner of Pitt and Market streets yesterday. The Civil Ambulance conveyed him to the Sydney Hospital, ...
Article : 48 wordsThe G.M.S. Kleist left Sydney on Saturday for Bremen, via Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantly, Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Naples, Genoa, Southampton, and Antw[?] ...
Article : 220 wordsYesterday afternoon Mr. Alfred Rowland Latraelle, who was gaining colonial experience on Charlton station, was riding to the camp after lamb-marking with the station ...
Article : 69 wordsThe dead body of Mr. Michael Fahey, an old man, whose mysterious disappoarance was reported about three weeks ago, was discovered by Mr. W. Oldfield yesterday ...
Article : 198 wordsA fatal accident occurred at Cataract today, the victim being George Hearn. Whilst working on the dam he was struck by a block of concrete and killed instantaneously. ...
Article : 166 wordsCOOKTOWN (1550 miles).—Arr: June 15, Albatross, from Brisbane. Dep: Malaita, s., for New Guinea. ROCKHAMPTON (920 miles).—Arr: June 15, Tinana, s, from Brisbane. ...
Article : 1,505 wordsSir,—A letter appears in your issue of today signed "Constant Traveller." Will you give me sufficient space to state for general Information that since the Minister gave his ...
Article : 200 wordsHerbert Dorrington, a jockey, had a narrow escape from death this morning. While he was exercising the mare Zelle the animal stumbled, pulling Dorrington out of the ...
Article : 132 wordsOver a thousand persons are affected by the closing down of the Scottish mine. ...
Article : 29 wordsDespatched overland to Adelaide, and thence [?] Orient Company's steamer Orient, TUESDAY, June 18. Letters: Registered, 3.30 p.m.; ordinary, 5.30 p.m. 2d the [?] for United Kingdom, Canada, Ceylon, ...
Article : 171 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 17 Jun 1907, Page 8
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