The amount of gold-dust delivered by the escorts from our several gold-fields, during the month of December was 24,845 ounces. During the corresponding month of 1867 the quantity received was 16,1[?] ounces. There ...
Article : 336 wordsIn another column will be found two letters from correspondents, requesting information in reference to the treatment of diseases incidental to the vine in this colony, wishing to know where cuttings of the sorts ...
Article : 791 wordsIn the evening Rajah Brooke addressed a meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; the Bishop of Chester in the chair. Sir James expressed his full confidence that India will be evangelized, but ...
Article : 1,303 wordsOur labour market is now better supplied with both tingle men and married couples since the arrival of the two last emigrant vessels, and engagements have been pretty numerous this week, at our quotations as at foot. ...
Article : 1,805 wordsWe have Tasmanian papers to the 28th December. MUNDERS AT HOBART TOWN.—On Saturdayevening, about six o'clock, a woman named Rebecca Hall was shot by a man named John King, at the Bull's Head, Goulbourne-street. The ...
Article : 401 wordsThey drew the Lightning from the sky. They quenched its torch of fire, They flung its thunderbolt away:— Along a tiny wire ...
Article : 84 wordsThe sale of the French screw steamer, Franc[?]is Arago, by auction last week, at Birkenhead, by order of the High Court of Admirality, has excited attention to the low prices ruling for that description of property, and ...
Article : 868 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 111 wordsTwelve years ago, the bride of a recent marriage at Pittsburgh (U.S.) was a young lady of twenty, the daughter of a wealthy merchant in Washington, Pennsylvani[?]. In her father's employ was a young man ...
Article : 3,588 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 52 words{No abstract available}
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The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Sat 8 Jan 1859, Page 3
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