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  2. As the reintroduction of tertiary fees looms... Adelaide's universities back away from supporting the class of '87

    THERE HAS been a singular failure of nerve in South Australia after initial hints of strong action on the issue of tertiary fees. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,033 words
  3. The Canberra Times

    AFTER a week of bargaining over the composition of Israel's new Cabinet, Mr Shamir takes over as Prime Minister today. Mr Peres, Prime Minister for the past two years, becomes his deputy and Foreign Minister. ...

    Article : 914 words
  4. Israel's nukes threaten its own security

    ALMOST a quarter-century ago, when Israel decided to make nuclear weapons, there was a colonel on the General Staff called ...

    Article : 828 words
  5. Letters to the Editor

    Sir, — May I add my small word of support to those who lament the closure of Watson High School. I no longer have any close ...

    Article : 197 words
  6. Saving money at Watson

    Sir, — I am a Year 9 student at Watson High and one of many people concerned about its proposed closure. I feel lucky to have ...

    Article : 127 words
  7. Social equality and Tilley's

    Sir, — Jim Filshie (Letters, October 16) finds it "interesting" that A1 Grassby would choose to speak at Tilley's. Mr Grassby was ...

    Article : 415 words
  8. Chilean art exhibition

    Sir, — It has been advertised in your newspaper on October 16 that an exhibition of Chilean art and literature will be held from ...

    Article : 169 words

    The Governor-General, Sir Ninian Stephen, and Lady Stephen attended, and Sir Ninian reviewed, the 75th anniversary parade of the ...

    Article : 298 words
  10. MP flaunts a benefit

    Sir, — At 16 minutes past 12 on Monday, October 13, I saw one of our renowned lady politicians collecting a small child from a child ...

    Article : 161 words
  11. One Thing and Another...

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 7 words
  12. Times past

    October 20, 1961: The Postmaster-General, Mr Davidson, announced the introduction of coloured telephones for an ...

    Article : 69 words
  13. Delisting of drugs

    Sir, — In his letter about the delisting of a number of drugs from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (CT, October 6), the ...

    Article : 528 words



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